Welcome to our latest update, with which we deliver nothing less than the long-awaited native Linux version. We hope for a good start on this new platform and serve you some more crisp features with update 1.12, but read for yourself. Summer greetings, Jens & Martin
Native Linux Support

We have good news for all Linux users. After receiving a lot of requests to provide a native Linux version of Imagine Earth, the time has finally come.
We have ported all functionalities and tested the game on Ubuntu and SteamOS – so Imagine Earth can now be played as a native version on the Steam deck.
We appreciate feedback from all of you and hope you will enjoy the game!🚀🌎
New Challenge – Saving Planet B

We have a special challenge for you this week, a new planet to basically explore the idea for a new game mode in Imagine Earth. Would be happy if you feel like thinking with us about how we can make this more interesting.
The basic idea is that the players don’t have to build up a civilization first, but find a relatively heavily built-up planet with cities. So you become directly the rebuilder and improver of the world, which is an exciting challengel. The emissions balance is also already tipping into the negative, so climate change is imminent. So you have to consider with all expansion steps to compensate the additional emissions of the new buildings and additional supply buildings with reforestation and other methods.
In return, you’ll find plenty of infrastructure and technology on the planet that you can take over and optimize through strategic realignment.
As I said, we’re testing this out and seeing that we need to balance planets in this game mode to make it fun and challenging.
New construction ring

An amazingly simple, yet effective change. The build ring just got bigger and now includes all the available build options plus the tools, functions and inventory. We studied other simulation games and their gamepad controls to come to this conclusion. As a result, the building ring is now also much more distinct from the building options and the individual building categories.
Hitech building in technology panel

This move was only logical since we put the Hitech special buildings for terraforming and geoengineering into one category in the build menu, making them so much more available, look in the technology panel for better what a wide variety of build options, Imagine Earth offers.
The Takeover Panel

We have also redesigned this to make the acquisition of competing cities clearer. With the necessary majority of shares in a corporation, you can directly take over individual cities and bring them under your control.
Population free areas on the planet

When we built the above planet B, we wanted to enable the scenario of finding more cities or soon maybe slums on the planet that could be taken over and transformed in an efficiency and environmentally friendly way. To do this, we first had to create the condition that even in areas not controlled by factions, people live in the cities and are supplied by farms and power plants in the surrounding area.
Gamepad – Major changes

- We have once again intensively rethought and optimized the gamepad controls for Imagine Earth. It should be almost more dynamic to control than with the mouse, give it a try.
[Digitalpad controls the main UI elements: Tree menu, resources, building list, trader menu.
[Left shoulder: research, tech, stocks
[Right shoulder: city navigation - Select & Start: Navigation, game menu, journal, statistics
- Therefore no more additional menüring
- Significantly more overlays directly in the UI
More optimizations and fixes
- Dialogs no longer overlay pause screens and other panels that pause the game.
- Improved Storytelling – First entry in planetary journal reports that no story has yet taken place on untouched planets.
- Bora Mission – Added direct rebuild target for city centers.
- Unintended city placement basically disabled.
- Jump to cities – buildings no longer appear with delay
- Midras merchant, permanent icon is out of the game
Please vote for us in the Player’s Choice Award
The Green Game Jam has started! Many game studios have launched Green Activations to save the planet’s most important habitats, and so have we. If you click on the image, you will be taken to Imagine Earth’s contest page and you can support our project in this jam.