Nominated for “Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2010” on April 29

We are delighted to have received the nomination for the German Computergameprize 2010. It remains an anxious question whether we will persist with our project against the three other nominations and the added an additional price to the Serious Games Award 2009 we received at the CeBit in Hannover, Germany. The nomination for an award of this format, however, is in itself a great recognition of the long development time of more than two years, which we have invested alongside our studies. The awards ceremony will be held on April 29 as the culmination of the german Gamestage at the BCC in Berlin.

3 thoughts on “Nominated for “Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2010” on April 29”

  1. Ich drücke euch die Daumen! Jedesmal wenn ich euch ansurfe sieht es besser aus!

    Hut ab! Und macht weiter so!


  2. oh man. die warterei macht einen echt mürbe!
    gibts schon ein datum? oder den hauch einer idee?
    ich kann “coming soon” schon nimma lesn 😀

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