Again we have a big December update for you with lots of interesting features that will refresh the space colonizing business. Have a look and give us your feedback on how they work…
Of course we’d like to take the opportunity to wish you all pleasant holidays and a happy new year in advance! We plan to celebrate the final release of Imagine Earth together in mid 2019!
Sabotage Hacks
The Sabotage item hacks supply buildings within a small radius and sets them into the state of malfunction in which they stop production and are constantly damaged until the building is destroyed or the malfunction is fixed.
Supply Capsules
Supply capsules contain items, resources and building construction kits. The colony that claims the field it landed on can take the cargo. The capsule will then disassemble automatically. They will land randomly on the planet throughout gameplay.
Orbital Lift for Colonists
New orbital lifts show you when colonists are coming or leaving your colony. This animation makes the colony more lively and visualizes where the colonists come from and where they disappear to when the quality of life is too low.
Company Rating
In the campaign galaxy you will now see a completion panel that shows your overall campaign progress. More important the colony ratings on all planets are wrapped up in a company rating that is compared in a global ranking.
Visit Your Colony
You can now revisit colonies after finishing the mission to find the remaining ideon crystals and to raise your colony rating by expanding your colony.
Campaign research and unlocked buildings are permanent. So you can use the technology you gathered in later missions to advance the cities when your return to earlier colonized planets.
Diplomacy States
Other corporations now have three shared diplomatic statuses: rivalry, neutral or alliance. They define if other factions trade with you and if there will be discounts. It also influences AI behavior: An alliance partner will respect your territory – a rival will actively grab your land.
AI Behaviour
We have added brand new AI behaviors to make factions more lively and authentic actors in the game. They may contact you via the message system and to propose neutrality or an alliance. In addition they will cancel an alliance or even declare rivalry when your relation is very bad. The AI remembers when you have helped against threats like an epidemic and alien invasions by using items or temple powers
Additional changes
- Added clarifying goals on Bora to help Otarek against Assimilators
- Introduction briefings for all game modes
- Steam store page updated with images and Simplified Chinese version
- Landing and starting animations for the Boss’ and Leen’s command center
- Increased number of sleeping volcanoes in ice worlds
- AI now uses pulse cannons more often
- Pulse cannons will destroy small meteors with one shot
- Cannons will not focus on asteroids when another cannon is already targeting it
- Engagement popup: Ask players for feedback after having played 20 hours of having finished the campaign
- Asteroid rocks give stone quarry an extra bonus
- Now possible to get the “scientists” research achievement
- Harvesting of rare asteroids is properly displayed in the resource statistics
- Alignment of level visualization for city centers
- Waking up volcanoes in sandbox editor is working again
- Size of world icons when using different UI scales
- Leveling frontier buoys is working again
- Display range when building maintenance station and remediation center