Category Archives: Blog

Alpha 34 “Blow it up”

We wrapped up the most important changes of release 33 and 34 in a devlog clip on Youtube again.


  • Electronic Employee is now called Assimilator and comes with a floating drone
  • Laser und Pulse Cannon can now both be used against asteroids, Xrathul harvesters and Assimilator drones
  • Ideon Bomb and Explosive Device can be used in new ways – even against the Assimilator
  • Blow up mountains to get more rare resources
  • New campaign bonus mission on ice planet Iqunox
  • Wake up sleeping volcanoes with ideon bombs
  • Added second main objective to Tuto mission
  • Electronics Factory

Assimilator Drone

This first point is partly a spoiler. So jump right over it, if you haven’t played the Bora mission yet.

As you know the Bora mission introduces a threat that is kind of an end boss for the campaign. This “Assimilator” (previously “Electronic Employee”) spreads its cables from field to field to reach your City Center in order to assimilate it.

The assimilator now comes with a floating drone monstrosity that increases it’s territory field by field. You can use frontier towers with laser or pulse cannons to defend against it.

Be careful though – the assimilator drone will fight back with a small laser cannon and thus might destroy your defense. And your cannons will only allow you to stop the assimilator from expanding. Meanwhile costing money and your precious attention.

There are several ways to get rid of it. Use asteroid strikes or volcano eruptions. Or expand your territory and apply explosive devices or an ideon bomb.

Laser and Pulse Cannon

The laser and pulse cannon now attack all enemies and dangers that approach you. We have change the values for fire and reload duration and damage and defined how each cannon interacts with the different targets.

E.g. the laser will do triple damage to asteroids and thus destroy it with one shot – just because it is optimized for this purpose.

Towers no longer take fire when being damaged and health is over 25%. You can repair them and they go on shooting.

Ideon Bomb and Explosive Device

We have put some work into improving our blasting items. Both are now dropped by one of the drones starting from the City Center.

The Explosive Device allows the immediate blasting of mountains, rocks, buildings and ruins in your area and on all fields directly adjacent to it – the later one is especially helpful to defend yourself against Assimilator.

The Ideon Bomb has multiple times the effect of an explosive device on an area of four fields. It also disintegrates big mountains and wakes up sleeping volcanoes.

Blasting single field and big mountains will leave the fields with rocks that may contain the rare resources gold and titanium.

Ice Planet Iqunox & Sleeping Volcanoes

We have added the third bonus mission to our campaign.

Since the outbreak of the pan-galactic plaque in this sector of the Udoxia Galaxy the demand for an antidote has skyrocketed.

On planet Iqunox which was known only for its cold and miserable living conditions, giant coral deposits have been discovered.

You will be one of three contractors who are send to extract the coral antidote for the U.S.U.

Sleeping volcanoes are spread all over the planet. You can use Ideon bombs to wake them up and increase the temperate on surrounding fields a few degrees – enough to get rid of the snow and grow food more effectively.

The Iqunox mission also adds the “Emission balance” as a new victory point type: It starts tracking from 20:00 onward. The leader needs to surpass others by at least 40.

Rare Resource Goal on Tuto

Planetary colonization is foremost about making a backup of humanity and populating new worlds. But there is another important goal: Exploiting resources!

To reflect this point we have added a second main objective to the first mission on planet Tuto. It introduces all the recently added gameplay mechanisms for rare resource harvesting, item crafting and blasting mountains.

Electronics Factory

The Electronics Factory replaces the existing Mall. It produces complex electronics and needs trained staff. For that reason it is more efficient next to city parts and research districts. It features “Chemical Filters” and “Entertainment Devices” as upgrades.

The Factory has been renamed to Machine Factory to make it easier distinguishable.


  • Fixed a hovering problem of the bookmark panel
  • Storage upgrades for warehouse have been removed from the research system
  • Removed asteroid explosion graphic bugs on start of freeplay and competition matches
  • Show asteroids in bookmark panel (top right of the screen)
  • Reduced price for asteroid strikes to 65.000€

Alpha 33 “Hacking and Crafting”

Dear Space Colonists, the Serious Brothers proudly present alpha release 33. It involves crafting and hacking and we where also present at two conferences during this update cycle – in case you are wondering what took us a bit longer this time. As usual we’d love to hear how all the new features work out for you. Please leave us your comments and ideas.


  • Crafting Items in the Workshop
  • Nitro Pumpkins
  • Midras Resources & Resource Storage
  • Texture Size Doubled
  • Breaking Waves at the Sea Shore
  • Independent Frontier Towers
  • New Item: Hacking Kit
  • Share System & City Takeover Improvements
  • AI Territory Logic
  • Temperatures and Global Warming
  • Quo Vadis Conference and Amaze Festival
  • 9 More Things

Crafting Items in the Workshop

One of the main new features that come with this release. In the workshop you get a list of special items that you can craft yourself instead of buying them. They are listed with up to 3 resources that you need for the generation of a certain item and it also shows if these are available or not. This will enhance the trading system as well because you can buy most needed resources from other factions. In the future it might become necessary to buy new  construction plans or recipes from your trading partners. But for now we have a basic set of strategic things that we will try to balance out.

Nitro Pumpkins

This plant is a new rare resource used to craft the fertilizer and explosive device items, because it enriches nitrogen and salts. It can be found in mires and cold but fertile biomes – and was also added to the campaign planets.

Midras Resources & Resource Storage

The Midras are selling more rare resources as they are now needed for many crafting issues. For crafting it was also necessary that goods, energy and food that you particularly chose to lay in and reserve space will no longer be consumed by your personnel in times of shortage. That change was made as well because you couldn’t sell stored things when they are always eaten up by hungry colonists.

Texture Size Doubled

We have lately fixed a long time overseen graphics problem concerning texture mipmapping. The whole planet with all the stuff on it should have much higher resolution by now!

Breaking Waves at the Sea Shore

Beautiful waves and a soft and organic water line on the beaches improve the look and feel off our oceans now.

Independent Frontier Towers

Towers do no longer need a field connection to the city center, the land claimed by your towers and therefor the towers them-self remain yours even when your city center is lost.

New item: The Hacking Kit

Buy this item from the tech trader to hack and take over an adjoining tower of another faction. They can defend themselves by use of such a Hacking Kit as well. so it makes sense to keep one in your inventory just for security reasons. The AI will also make use of this, once they feel like this is a good decision.

Share System & City Takeover Improvements

From now on you can always repurchase your shares for twice the price if somebody else owns them. The shares will be taken from the company owning the most of your shares.

You do no longer have to obtain over 50% off an opponents shares to take over a city that is smaller than 50%. The take over fee has been reduced to 8.000 space coins.

AI Territory Logic

Our AI companies can now use the land claim feature to obtain fields adjoining their build radius. They will eventually use the hacking tool to take over your towers – take care!

Temperatures and Global Warming

There is a new variable range of global planetary temperature that can be defined when creating a new planet for competition mode or free play. The global temperature is raising up to 10 degree until the final climate collapse happens.

This is also important for the health of local flora. Some sorts of trees and plants will not stand a chance in snowland anymore but they will regrow leaves as soon as the temperature raises to positive numbers again. Water temperature is limited down to minus 2 degree Celsius.

You will be able to experience this phenomena particularly well on the new ice planet we are currently working on.

Quo Vadis Conference and Amaze Festival

Serious Brothers where present at the international Games Week Berlin and showing Imagine Earth on several Events. Indie Game Expos at Quo vadis and Making Games Festival on Mo – We and at the A Maze Festival on Friday.

9 More Things

  • Fix: fish, fertile and desert on generated planets
  • Highlighted field colors show the best and worst placement choices directly when you are setting up a new building!
  • Italian language goes official
  • Rewritten game info in steam store and website
  • Better handling for long names in the info panel
  • Fixed problem with the emission goal on Rounos
  • New icon for iron deposits
  • Position fix for infrastructure buildings in dev panel
  • Switched mouse buttons fix for left-hander
  • The competition panel shows the winner more clearly

Games Week Berlin 2017

Dear Space Colonists, the Serious Brothers will be present at the Games Week Berlin and showing ImagineEarth on serveral Events. Indie Game Expos at Quo vadis and Making Games Festival on Mo – We and at the A Maze Festival on Friday. See you in Berlin next week! Also the German Computer Games Award will be presented in Berlin at a festive gala event this week. Imagine Earth was nominated for Best Game Design 2 years ago. With prize money totaling 550,000 euros, it is the most important sponsorship prize for the German games industry.

As a small feature addon we have lately fixed a long time overseen graphics problem concerning texture mipmapping. The whole planet with all the stuff on it should have higher resolution by now!

Alpha 32 “Sea Farms & Drones”

We present you the greater changes of the April release #32 in a short video on YT. It’s definitely an experiment we wanted to try. Hope you like it:


  • The sea farm is a new food producing building.
  • Forest, rocks and rare resources are now harvested with drones that are stationed at your warehouses.
  • Researched items can now be reset in the campaign screen.
  • We have updated the official trailer. Check it out here.
  • Midras and natives now trade with gold instead of money.
  • Land claiming and tower claim visualizations have been optimized.
  • Day & night lighting improved.
  • Fixed a lot of small problems and balancing stuff in the Tuto, Magni and Bora missions

Sea Farms

Building of the month is the new construct called sea farm. It can be build on coast fields and sea fields adjacent to land (called “near-shore”). It works as port logistics for offshore fishing boats and the building can also breed shellfish to intensify food production for higher pollution values. The smokehouse upgrades makes its food production more durable, but comes with higher running costs.

Harvest Drones

Little drones that fly around and actually harvest the stuff you ordered to crop or gather. They are stationed on the warehouse and limit the number of crop actions that you can make. But most of all they are pretty good looking and the AI uses them too.

Reset Research

You can now reset your research decisions and strategy in the campaign screen.

New Official Trailer

The Trailer was reworked to show some more actual footage from the game. It has grown old as i had no time to change the video material for nearly two years. Really ;D Check it out here.

New Construction Site

The construction site model is more advanced now. In the next version we want to add individual build and landing animations, also for space ships to make everything a bit more cinematic…

Tower Range Visualization Changed

From now on if you construct, deconstruct or relocate towers you see a red visualization for the land you loose and blue marks on the field you claim. Expensive Upgrades will be relocated as well.

Planet Day & Night Lighting

The Planet was always too dark and contrast less on the night side. With the new moon light night shifts now have become much easier.

Gold Trading

Some NPCs like Natives & Midras will no longer trade for the universal currency of the galaxy. They stick to the gold standard and you can buy gold from merchants or dig it out yourself. These guys will also pay you for certain resources they’re interested in with gold, so you can gather exchange values this way as well.

Special Upgrade Items in the Shop

Laser, Pulse & Shield Upgrades Items can now be bought from traders. This is especially helpful in the Lorian and Magni missions. So if you do not research you can still defend yourself against alien threats and stuff.

Land Claims Repriced

This tool just got more cost intensive as well. It’s price depends on the distance to the outer radius of your city center. This means the price gets higher the farer away you claim land from your city.

Mission Improvements

Excessive bugfixes and roundups for the missions on Tuto, Magni and Bora.

Other stuff

  • Bookmark panel shows twisters and Xrathul harvesters
  • Several editor fixes
  • Improved animation quality for drones
  • Fixed game-speed dependent particle generation
  • Improved city level up animation
  • Reduced forest’s sensitivity to temperature and fertility
  • Renamed meteoroid to asteroid to better reflect size relations and impact
  • Cursor shows progress ring when tooltips are coming up
  • Fixed sandbox menu
  • Improved hyperspace gate menu

Alpha 31 “Land Claims”

Dear colony managers! You have given us a lot of detailed feedback. With this release we are trying to answer a big part of it – especially the balancing of building upgrades.


  • You can now claim new territory with money – a new approach to free expansion.
  • The bookmark panel shows what events and threats are taking place in your cities and allow you to jump to any place directly.
  • Gaian energy from temples can now be collected and sold in containers. These containers can as well be bought to charge your temples.
  • Upgrade balancing.
  • Community translations for Italian and Spanish are complete.
  • Campaign: Joma, Lorian, Rounos received several improvements and corrections.
  • Lots of other fixes and changes.
  • Preview: Harvester drones will collect resources and drop them into the warehouses.

Claim Land

A small feature that might turn out as a real game changer got implemented right now. Did you ever feel upset for having an interesting resource field, some crystals or a strategic construct directly in front of you but on the other side of the build radius border? Now you can easily claim ownership of adjacent fields.

Please be aware, that this land is not protected by city center or tower radius. It can be grabbed by other companies right away. This way of expanding your territory allows you to increase your reach onto something of interest besides the city upgrade logic. Note that you can no longer build buoys or towers outside of your build radius. The “claim land” tool must be research as well and until further testing it stays pretty expensive.

Bookmark Panel

This might not look like much at first sight, but the new bookmarks panel on the top right of the interface are a very powerful tool. It shows all your city centers and important constructs or events around them. For example the space ports you got and if there is a trader or merchant on-site at the moment. It indicates problems and events like low productivity, low building health or incidents, incoming meteorites, wildfires and other threats to your colony. Best thing is, you can directly click each icon to jump to the event immediately.

You can also create your own custom bookmarks of any field by holding a certain number key for a second while hovering the intended field.

Gaian Energy Container

The container is charged with gaian energy. This special form of power agglomeration emerges in intensive spheres of lively flora and fauna. Containers can be used to charge temples where gaian energy unleashes specific supernatural forces or they get sold as an invaluable tradable ware.

Generated gaian energy from temples can also be condensed into containers. The process is lossy and two energy charges of a temple result in only one charged container. With these containers gaian energy becomes a tradable and costly ware and can be used to charge other temples.

Balancing of Upgrades

Prices fell significantly – mostly into the range of 500 to 800€. For upgrades that increase the production we have made sure that the production to price ratio is slightly better than the one of the original building.

The efficiency (production to maintenance costs ratio) is now also slightly better than the building’s original efficiency. For fossil power plants it is in the upper-mid of the “no to full fossils” range.

In addition to this some upgrades have received additional bonuses. E.g. nuclear reprocessing now gives a bonus on produced energy to reflect what is extracted from the reprocessed material.

Community Translation

This is working out much better than we expected.

We got some great fans out there who were so kind and excited to translate Imagine Earth into Italian and Spanish language. Thanks a lot to Capybara Localizations and Laura Alba for the awesome work!

In addition there’s a huge rework of the English version going on as well – done by Andrew “Althis” Quadro and Arthur “Skirlasvoud” van der Burgh 🙂

If you find a typo or a some mistakes in texts or dialogs it’s now pretty easy to report them. Just open the “Last Message” panel (left icon at the bottom) and you can see the name of the dialog in the lower right corner of the dialog.

Mission Improvements


  • Many small improvements to goal and mission design.


  • The side quest introducing the Midras race is working again.
  • The side quest about the oil spills in slick bay is back in game.
  • New Mission Icons will guide to objects and buildings when the bonus or mission goal is connected to any units on the planet.
  • Main mission growth goal reduced to 2.5. million people.


  • Fixed: In some cases Joe wasn’t reaching the 2 million people growth goal at all. The goal is reduced to 1.8 million people.
  • Fixed: The Natives where not selling their ideon treasure maps correctly.
  • Further fine tuning to the mission script

Graphics Improvements

  • Construction Drones now have contrails and jet sounds
  • Some nicer trees
  • Added some wonderful planet textures

Other stuff

  • Hovering a laser now highlights the complete area protected by laser cannons. Same for pulse cannon and shield
  • Stone quarry now also gets a bonus form nearby mountains
  • Fixed wrong numbers in rare resource production statistics
  • Fixed Inventory ring graphic problems
  • Fixed inconsistent icon colors for upgrades, buildings and research
  • (hopefully) fixed sound noise problems
  • Fixed city naming dialog cancel problem
  • Fixed planet texturing problems in medium shader quality
  • Fixed “more than max ideon” problem

Harvester Drones

To thank you for your interest in our update and reading all the way down here, we wanna give a short glimpse into future development. Here you can see harvester drones that will pick up all the stuff in the future. You can staple them on your warehouses which are used as the drone’s home base.

Let us know what you think about the new stuff and if you have any feature requests. You’re welcome to share your ideas for the project in the Imagine Earth forum on steam! Regards, Martin & Jens

Alpha 30 “Hyperspace Gate”

Welcome to the hyperspace! We are starting to extend the campaign with bonus planets you can access using a hyperspace gate. This gate is being build by Moax the tech trader, who will be able to complete his construction if you find and deliver him enough ideon crystals during the campaign missions.

Udoxia Galaxy

The gate leads into a new galaxy that contains new planets and missions.


Edora is the first planet in the Udoxia Galaxy. A small planet with giant icebergs at its polar caps. The low valleys of this planet will be flooded immediately by the melt of global warming.

The planet offers a predefined expansion competition against two opposing fractions. This world is also the experimental test ground to establish and improve AI battles in the game. Please give your feed back on how we could improve the interaction with other factions.

Having predefined competitions with a general comparable highscore might be the main concept of the missions in this galaxy. It adds playable content and challenging competition with some additional extra goals to master. This reduces the necessity of story filled scripted missions that need endless balancing.

New alien race: Minas

This short-lived race of typhers and diggers builds giants machines to rummage through entire solar systems searching for rare earths and noble metals. Even though they totally ignore money they are valuable trading partners. They produce rare items and exchange them for raw materials. You will meet these dudes for the first time in a reworked Lorian mission… and they will occur eventually on all following planets.

New terrain texturing algorithm

We have put some additional work into our terrain texturing algorithm to make sure the characteristics of each field are visualized in a clear way. This includes the fertility, temperature and rockiness. In addition fields that might be flooded by rising sea levels have a more sandy or stony look. The transition from one characteristic to another used to be quite blurred. The new shader uses material based alpha blending to enhance this. For example you will see little green spots on terrain, when it becomes more fertile.

Brush sizes

Choose four different brush sizes when drawing height, fertility, temperature, rockiness, forests and bioms.

Editing local temperature is now clamped between +/-20°C

Forest brush

The brandnew “Forest brush” places forests that match the local field types and ground conditions. That’s good, because the plants need certain climate conditions to prosper and grow.

Improved forests

The updated use of transparency for deciduous and acacia forests, mushrooms and palm trees shows a great way to revolutionize the overall look of Imagine Earth’s flora.


Deposits of this new rare metalic resource can be found primarily in the dryland biom which are infertile areas with medium temperature. Titanite is so far just costly and exchangable with bombs at the Minas store.

Campaign translation possible

For those in our community who are interested in translating the game. It is finally possible to do translation of the mission scripts as well. Now it is possible to translate every single written word in Imagine Earth. All details are explained in the community translations section of the forums.

New item: Rocket kit

As rockets are now at the end of the research chain. Luckily you can buy rocket building sets from our latest alien race, the Minas.

Construction drones

We have implemented flying construction drones. They lift off and land in a new hangar at the city center tower. It’s an early version but its already fun to see them being busy to set up new constructs. Future implementations might include harvester drones for resources that start and land on warehouses or automated repair drones on the repair units. Currently the city center has one drone per city level.

Other stuff

  • Traders leave when spaceport is destroyed
  • Terrain height is visualized with height lines
  • Fixed “no sound” problem
  • Improved “white screen on startup” problem
  • Big Illuminati temples are no longer destroyable
  • Activating the shield on Bora needs a single completely loaded big Illuminati temple
  • Free Play: Renamed threats to events and added the miner, tech trader and merchant
  • Improved “earth over” messages
  • Meteorite metal is now called crytanite
  • Display status timer ring for crashing meteorites

PS: Thanks to all of you who voted us in the indie of the year competition. We made it into the overall top 100 and the top 4 of futuristic sims – next to Space Engineers, Empyrion and RimWorld!

Alpha 29 “Hexa Style”

The December release brings you a little research revolution. As you can see we finally turned the research system into something that offers you freedom of choice on how to develop and enables strategic decisions.

Hexa Style Research

You can now do cross research: Licensing one research option will unlock all its neighbors. We are about to install a simple system that delivers a function to highlight groups like upgrades, tools, improvements and special functions with different colors.

Indie of the Year AwardsIndie of 2016

We are in the Top 100 on IndieDB and one of 4 finalists in Genre “Futuristic Sim”. Please support Imagine Earth for indie of the year 2016. Just follow this link and click the vote button. Thx!

Tech Menu: Auto-Build Upgrades

Upgrades that have been researched can now be selected in the development panel. When activated they are built together with the construct they belong to. This immediately rises the functionality of the building and spares you a lot of extra click-work.

The tech panel is now the perfect place to get and compare all information about the available constructs. You can click on developed buildings here to build them directly: The menu automatically closes and you place the chosen structure in your build radius.

Upgrade Balancing

The prices for installing researched upgrades on buildings are now massively discounted and rebalanced. We made it cheaper because the building space is much easier to obtain these days and it’s less important that you can make one field unit produce more.

Play-On Campaign Missions

You can now play along on a campaign planet after finishing it’s mission. Continue expanding your cities find all the Ideon around and finish some bonus mission goals or just go on to expand your colony as much as you like.

Other stuff

  • Changed layout of research, tech and landing permit panels
  • Ground type fertile now also visible in cold regions
  • Cultivation unit does not longer depend on ground fertility
  • Show production values of a building during build process
  • Fixed problems with Xrathul ships in Magni mission
  • Fixed problems with AI players in Bora mission

Alpha 28 “Biomes”

  • 9 different biome types to classify different areas on each planet
  • Planet texturing based on biomes
  • Planet generator based on biomes
  • Biome editor in sandbox mode
  • New forest type Acacia
  • New food producing building Cultivation Unit
  • First version of Spanish community translation
  • Balancing of forests and buildings


This is a fundamental new (and really awesome) gameplay element. Biomes classify the average temperature and fertility of a small planet area. Each comes with an individual type of forest and graphics for the ground, rocks and mountains.


Summed up: It’s much easier to just see how well a certain area on the planet fits the needs of your colony. Here is a short description of all 9 biomes:

  • Rainforest: Hot and very fertile area where palm trees grow.
  • Savanna: Hot area of medium fertility where acacia grow.
  • Desert: Hot and barren area where cacti grow.
  • Subtrope: Fertile area where thick bamboo forests grow.
  • Temperate zone: Area with moderate fertility and temperatures, in which a lot of deciduous forest grows.
  • Drylands: Infertile area in the medium temperature range.
  • Mires: Cold but fertile area in which mushroom forest grows.
  • Taiga: Cold area of medium fertility with a lot of coniferous forest.
  • Mountain: Cold area of high elevation, which is mostly barren. Thinly populated with coniferous forest.

In addition Illuminati temples and camps are placed in the hot biomes rainforest, savanna and desert. Other temples and native camps are used in the moderate temperature areas of the subtrope biome, temperate zone and drylands.

Since this is a completely new game element we still have to figure out a few details. Please let us know what you think about the biomes!

Biome based planet generator

Those biomes are perfect to generate different types of planets.


As shown above the planet generator now allows you to define the biome distribution on the planet.

Each planet themes also come with a predefined configuration. E.g. Bora is a very fertile planet that mainly comes with the fertile biomes Rainforest, Subtrope and Mires, but also some areas of Savanna, Temperate zone and Taiga.

Biome sandbox editor

In the sandbox editor you can use the biomes to paint the planet with regions of different temperature, fertility, fossils, forests, rocks, rare resources and temples.


Cultivation Unit

This new building is made available in the Joma mission. It breeds and harvests crops that thrive in symbiosis with the local flora. Therefore, each adjacent forest piece  increases the yield of berries and herbs.


The upgrade “bio lab” reduces the costs of the cultivation program by genetic adaptation of the seedlings to local conditions.

The upgrade “external herb beds” enables the cultivation of valuable herbs and grasses on areas that can not be used for other plants.


A new type of forest that is very robust against drought and mainly spread in the savanna biome.


Community Translation

Alpha 28 comes with the first version of a Spanish translation that has been written by Purple Sister. THANKS A LOT! In addition a french translation is in progress.

If you are also working on a translation or would like to contribute, please let us know in the community translation thread in the forums.


We have updated the Imagine Earth fonts with a few new letters (for czech). In addition the many UI elements now automatically make sure the text fits into the available space.

The next big step here for us is to make missions translatable.


  • Frontier tower is now available starting with the Joma mission
  • Relocation tool now also relocated upgrades
  • Explosive device now completely blasts rocks (instead of only 50%)
  • Forest growth calculation has been updated based on the new biomes
  • Mine produces more at lower cost
  • Recycling factory produces more goods
  • Sorting system no longer causes increased ground pollution
  • Fishing port upgrades require less energy and money
  • Cattle farm needs less energy and money
  • Waterworks has greater dependence on fertility

Special thanks to Justice for writing a very detailed balancing feedback on this!

Other stuff

  • Completely pause the game
  • New ideon goal in Joma mission (5th bonus goal)
  • Pulse cannon is available for defense against first Xrathul wave on Magni
  • Orientation of particle effects for better engine exhaust graphics
  • New animation for fishing port graphics
  • New colorization and icons for rare resources
  • Big Illuminati temple has now up to 8 gaian power slots
  • Graphics setting “Shader quality” allows disabling normals maps for more performance
  • New neutral smiley icon when when city is unpopulated
  • Number of available items sold be the tech trader is now shown as bars

Indie of the Year Award

Help us win the Indie of the Year AwardIndie of the Year Awards