Category Archives: Blog

#52 – French Stock Market Hack

Greetings, Colony Managers our latest release is ready for you. Tons of bake-fresh features sweeten the colony day. To wrap it up, making the other AI corporations your rivals is more dangerous than ever, now they attack with offensive items. Researching is now less casual and more time based. Some items are produced by districts in addition to being crafted. You can also hack the stock market in a new share panel attached to the tool ring on city centers of other colonies. We polished the new build menu and you can monitor upcoming threads much better in the reworked bookmarks panel.

We hope you’ll enjoy the latest features! Please leave your feedback in our forum. We would be so happy if you’re interested in supporting our project as a beta tester. Which basically means you get the new update earlier than the rest. In case send us a mail. Additionally a 25% sale is coming to Steam on April 22. Mark our words!

Cheers, Jens & Martin.

French language translation

We can’t party hard enough on the commitment of Victor “Lartima” who out of nothing send us a mail with the completed french translation of Imagine Earth! Thanks so many times to you and to Bouy, who got the translation started!

Fresh gameplay trailer

This one is simply showing it all, all features, all threats, all items and all that we worked on over the last two and a half year – as the old trailer was kind of that old. On top it has something special, a final release date. Yes, we are hopeful to finish version 1.0 within 2019… Please share, post and tweet it as much as you can.

Actually this is a good opportunity to thank all the 30.000 supporters that helped to keep the Imagine Earth project alive and well progressing with their early access purchases. If you wanna join the crew, this might be an opportunity…

Shares panel & stock market hack

You can buy the shares of other corporations directly from the tool ring on their city center. There you overview who’s owning the corporations shares and you can directly hack the stock market from here in case you made or bought a stock market hack which is a brand new offensive strategic item in the game.

Count down warnings in UI

The bookmarks and events panel in the top right of the screen now warns you with a countdown before Pirates, Xrathul or Asteroids and other threats kick in. We needed to give players more time to prepare and you can even increase the warning time for an area by building research districts. At the same time we reduced alerts about stuff going on in the middle of nowhere. The panel now gives a better visualization of all the threads and catastrophes next to your cities and around the globe.

Time based research

From now on it takes a certain amount of time to research upgrades to make the decision of what to research first more strategic. You have a research queue that can by prioritized any time and you should pay attention to the efficiency factor which is raised by every research district you build. The city center also contributes to the factor as it has a built in research lab as well.

Item production in districts

We almost accidentally came up with the idea of letting the various types of districts produce items over time. That gives every district a more individual and special functionality. The new build menu nicely visualizes the items that are in production and it also shows the ones that can be crafted.

AI sabotages with offensive items

Based on diplomatic relation and mood of AI factions they start using offensive items against you. Their tension to move against you is raised by an aggressive agenda. They will not hesitate to use pirates, assimilators, asteroids, sabotage and sometimes also explosive device and ideon bomb.

Improved UI of build panel

The build panel is an UI element we reintegrated lately after having it replaced by the practical build ring several years ago. It allows you to permanently see your stock of items and gaia forces, also those who are actually still loading up and in production. This precious piece of user interface needed a cleanup and that’s what we did recently. Also hovering buildings in the build ring or panel will show related resource icons on planet.

Mission improvements

  • Tuto: Show research icon more early
  • Joma: Birons epidemic quest working again
  • Lorian: Changed timing of asteroids and improved trigger for slick bay quest
  • Rounos: Joe starts some destructive actions after losing
  • Rounos: Gave Joe access to a temple with tornadoes

Improvements and fixes

  • Balanced generation and regeneration of pollution
  • Districts freely convertible
  • Victory point per 5,000 mined rare resources
  • Fields can now be bookmarked with CTRL+number key
  • Personalized messages by NPCs
  • Smoother build radius
  • Improved forestry explanation dialogs
  • Fixed auto save naming problem (will reduce the number of created savegames)
  • Use saw icon for rare plants like corals
  • Fixed interaction with icons in navigation mode (space key)
  • Sound pitch fine tuning
  • Changed color of price text to neutral
  • Fixed overlap of alliance confirm buttons in message panel
  • Fixed AI selling and back-buying items all the time
  • Improved rare resource description texts
  • Fertile only from 90% and desert only from 10%
  • Editor: Clustering of fossil and rare resources
  • Editor: Distribute temples evenly and add ocean citadel
  • Editor: Ensure that rare resources are available everywhere

#51 – Research, AI and UI Optimizations

In the first update for Imagine Earth in March you’ll find many optimizations for UI and AI that lay ground for innovative new game play features consider the next update to revolutionize core game play at several odds and ends.

Extended research menu

The research menu has a new optional viewing mode where all details are presented directly on screen instead of as tool-tips. For now the compact view still stays the default view, so you have a perfect overview for all your research processes.

We also optimized the filters in the research menu. You can highlight research options according to what their primary effect is. That makes it easy to adjust your research strategy to suit your specific needs.

Upgrades in build menu

The building descriptions in the build menu now also contain all upgrades of the building and their potential pros and cons.

Upgrades that have already been researched can be activated here to be automatically build together with the building.

Visualization of competitors

We made the visualization of competitors more compact and consistent to the rest of the user interface. Instant intuitive visibility for the ranking, diplomatic status and victory points. More over you see which incidents or catastrophes are impacting their colonies and also the resulting share price drops.

Competition rating UI reworked

We reworked the competition ratings table. The x-axis now has the different types of colony points needed to win the competition. We added more captions and explanation texts to clarify all aspects.

Faction messages in tool ring

When accessing a city center other factions are now talking to you directly – we are working on making this communication as personal as possible…

Factions have individual agendas

Factions do now have individual agendas that add character and individual tactics to the 8 different corporations you can play in competition and freeplay mode.

  • Cooperative: Cooperative diplomatic sentiment.
  • Aggressive: Aggressive diplomatic sentiment. Sabotages other colonies.
  • Sustainable: Preserves the environment and prefers buildings with low emissions.
  • Exploitative: Tries to get as many fossil and rare resources as possible. Does not care about environmental impacts.
  • Expansive: Trying to own as much territory as possible. Does not like it when someone takes over territory.
  • Trader: Focuses on trade. Likes to sell resources and items.
  • Gaian: Tries to get as many temples as possible and generate Gaia.
  • Oceanist: Prefers to build the colony on the coast and the sea.
  • Scientist: Researches as many technologies as possible.

Water foam at the coast line

A decent foam line at the coast makes it easier to identify the exact sea level and whether fields are land, coast or ocean. This is an addition to the waves the are rolling in and breaking.

Building type visualization

There are several options in the build menu that help to visualize certain states and objects in the world. For example it can colorize buildings by their type to provide a better overview.

Additional changes & fixes

  • You can now sell incomplete packages of rare resource to free up space in the warehouses.
  • New city center sounds!
  • Workshop menu got a face lift.
  • Build menu buttons reworked.
  • All campaign planets have decoration and environment objects like mountains suitable to their planet theme now
  • Big Illuminati Pyramids can’t burn anymore
  • Unified calculation of field and construct values to improve AI decisions and simulation speed
  • If you loose competition you won’t get spammed by the professor commenting on that anymore .
  • Build menu: you can now have a certain category activated that stays open also when you hover another for short operations. So you can keep your eye on your inventory or the forces you have ready.
  • AI in sandbox is no longer saved and transferred into created planets.
  • Bora: AI allies may no longer build their second colony next to the great pyramids to prevent the mission plot from getting stuck.
  • Fixed problem with multi-use of temple powers
  • Fixed assimilator drone explosions

#50 “New Characters and a Control Menu”

Happy new year again, this time from China! As Steam has started its Lunar New Year sale “Imagine Earth” is 25% off for the first time in 5 years Early Access. Don’t wait for more until the game is finished ;). We are accompanying this sale with an update release that brings you much more than redesigned game characters and a classic strategy game styled build menu for advanced gameplay…

Please note that we are looking for beta-testers who can check on our new update releases days earlier than other players, please mail us if you happen to be that enthusiastic about getting your fingers early on new updates of Imagine Earth!

Meet the New Crew

The old avatars of the main crew members in the campaign are some years old by now and we always knew we’d have to give these guys a makeup someday. Nothing is a better way of showing how this game has grown up over the years than the evolution of Limas character. It goes all the way back when it was a casual game idea with comic characters. Maybe we should not have opened this old box đŸ˜‰ but with the final release coming in 2019 this nostalgic flashback came over Jens..

The Brand New Control Menu

A new build menu on the left side of the interface will keep you informed about all your build options. Coolest thing about it is that this menu also shows your inventory and on top the craftable items. It has a category for all your gaia forces and shows if they are fully loaded. You won’t have to visit a workshop anymore to craft your stuff. It comes in addition to the classic build ring, so nothing changes, you just get more options.

World Visualizations

The control menu also offers a set of visualization tools. you can highlight fields that are threatened by rising sea-level caused by global warming. You can highlight rare resources, fertility, ground pollution, construct types and colony areas.

Standalone Diplomacy & Trade Panels

If you open a trade or a crafting panel it will be centered on screen from now on. The background is blurred out and playtime is paused, so you can concentrate on deals and negotiations with factions and traders.

Drone Reconfiguration

We are currently experimenting with how the drones are working. We decided to limit the city centers drones to one per level – so you are starting now with one instead of two. This makes it more important to level your city.

The maintenance station no longer comes with a build drone. Instead it comes with a repair drone that only does repair jobs and will automatically do this in the range of the building. As before it can be upgraded with a fire station.

Same goes for the remediation center. It now has a special remediation drones instead of a build drone

Gaia & UI Balancing

Based on feedback and the experiences we received from Wuik in the steam forums, we had another look at the Gaia balancing. The following changes have been done:

  • Doubled Gaia production
  • Reduced price of Gaia container
  • Display correctly how much Gaia is available in a temple
  • In addition display how fast Gaia is created and how this is influenced by the nearby population

#49 “Ocean Citadel and Global Warming”

The first update of Imagine Earth in 2019 brings you a new power construct which is built on the open sea with three brand new forces to unleash and a devastating catastrophe. As always there are tons of UI, AI and game balancing improvements. We reworked the first three missions intensively and enhanced the effects and visualization of global warming… We hope you enjoy the latest features and changes and send feedback and requests into our forum! Cheers, Jens & Martin

The Ocean Citadel

The ocean citadel is a powerful construction of the Nootilas, it can convert Gaian energy into force fields which influence sea and weather conditions. It is to be found on the open sea of course.


A power of the ocean citadel provokes a thunderstorm that moves across the planet in wind direction. The storm can cause wildfires and incidents in production facilities. Thunderstorms are also natural catastrophes whose occurrence becomes more likely with increasing global warming.

Ocean vitalisation

This power of the ocean citadel generates a gaian force field that vitalises the flora on the seabed and allows sea plants and occasionally corals to grow. This is helpful to re-balance the carbon emission balance on the planet.

Land subsidence

This Gaian force field of the ocean citadel lowers the tectonic continental plates – entire regions sink into the sea. Keep the mouse button pressed to apply the power.
Land reclamation works the same way from now on.

We redesigned the Cover Image, the website, Steam and social media channels

Multi-use of powers and item

You can now reuse forces and items by holding the shift key as long as you have more items of the same kind or enough gaian energy left in the according power constructs.

Global Warming

Due to the importance of this feature we have represented Global Warming more prominently in the Interface. You get a permanent display and icon for the emission balance and the global warming in percentage. And there is a global value of sea-level and temperature rise. The population counter has moved to the left of the UI also because it is not global.

Land height shown in field info panel

For better information it displays how high a certain piece of land is above the sea-level which is of particular interest in case of global warming. Will it be flooded by the melting polar caps?

“Earth Over” quarantine deactivated

We deactivated the quarantine of the planet in case of climate collapse which ended game way too early. You can now live on a ravaged planet with maximum climate chaos and all the catastrophes arising with it and still try to make your living or win a competitive round somehow.

You can activate this quarantine when starting a new game to stop a round when it gets almost hopeless. Also we changed the visualization of high global warming which was a bit over the top with yellow coloring of the oceans and the atmosphere.

In one of the next updates we plan to further increase the effect of global warming on the local field temperature and buildings

Mission improvements

Again we had to rework many aspects of the first three missions of Tuto, Joma and Lorian to improve the experience of the campaign, make it more accessible to new players and adjust them to the lately added features.

AI improvements

  • AI now uses temple powers to sabotage enemy colonies
  • AI will actively expand into territory of enemies when additional land is needed
  • AI will respect border of alliance colonies
  • AI gets a Pulse cannon in time
  • AI tries to explore cannons if necessary

UI & graphic improvements

  • Display overview of other factions in missions
  • a bar displays the goals for achieving new research, tech licenses and landing permits as such.
  • storage capacity is visualized more intuitive in the resource menu
  • New and universal desktop icon for the game and for all social media accounts
  • Increased speed of tooltips. Especially in build menu
  • Influence of temperature on productivity is now shown in the build ring as well
  • Improved drone flight
  • Cinematic landing animation for dropping asteroids, trader, vendor and the Midras drillbot
  • Visualization when using Soma item
  • Restored loading animation

Bugfixes & improvements

  • Fixed some issues of trader speakers, icons and ships that have been swapped
  • Fixed pirates event not being triggered
  • Towers only loose claim for surrounding fields when completely destroyed
  • Increased reach of ideon bombs and comparable items
  • Fixed: Speaker is sometimes interrupted by other sounds in the main menu
  • Laser attacks should no longer trigger fires
  • Selling and buying of items now also influences their pricing
  • Increase in Gaia power is no longer increased linearly with additional surrounding population (but logarithmic)
  • Fixed pollution created when destroying mountains
  • Ideon bomb no longer destroys the rare rocks that appear when a big mountain is blown up
  • Science district gives research bonus instead of improved quality of life
  • Assimilator settings decrease/increases probability of uplinks landing
  • Changed balancing of fights between assimilator drone and frontier towers
  • Assimilator drone no longer follows fleeing city capsule
  • Temples can now be destroyed

#48 “Alliances, Sabotage & Company Rating”

Again we have a big December update for you with lots of interesting features that will refresh the space colonizing business. Have a look and give us your feedback on how they work…

Of course we’d like to take the opportunity to wish you all pleasant holidays and a happy new year in advance! We plan to celebrate the final release of Imagine Earth together in mid 2019!

Sabotage Hacks

The Sabotage item hacks supply buildings within a small radius and sets them into the state of malfunction in which they stop production and are constantly damaged until the building is destroyed or the malfunction is fixed.

Supply Capsules

Supply capsules contain items, resources and building construction kits. The colony that claims the field it landed on can take the cargo. The capsule will then disassemble automatically. They will land randomly on the planet throughout gameplay.

Orbital Lift for Colonists

New orbital lifts show you when colonists are coming or leaving your colony. This animation makes the colony more lively and visualizes where the colonists come from and where they disappear to when the quality of life is too low.

Company Rating

In the campaign galaxy you will now see a completion panel that shows your overall campaign progress. More important the colony ratings on all planets are wrapped up in a company rating that is compared in a global ranking.

Visit Your Colony

You can now revisit colonies after finishing the mission to find the remaining ideon crystals and to raise your colony rating by expanding your colony.

Campaign research and unlocked buildings are permanent. So you can use the technology you gathered in later missions to advance the cities when your return to earlier colonized planets.

Diplomacy States

Other corporations now have three shared diplomatic statuses: rivalry, neutral or alliance. They define if other factions trade with you and if there will be discounts. It also influences AI behavior: An alliance partner will respect your territory – a rival will actively grab your land.

AI Behaviour

We have added brand new AI behaviors to make factions more lively and authentic actors in the game. They may contact you via the message system and to propose neutrality or an alliance. In addition they will cancel an alliance or even declare rivalry when your relation is very bad. The AI remembers when you have helped against threats like an epidemic and alien invasions by using items or temple powers

Additional changes

  • Added clarifying goals on Bora to help Otarek against Assimilators
  • Introduction briefings for all game modes
  • Steam store page updated with images and Simplified Chinese version
  • Landing and starting animations for the Boss’ and Leen’s command center
  • Increased number of sleeping volcanoes in ice worlds
  • AI now uses pulse cannons more often
  • Pulse cannons will destroy small meteors with one shot
  • Cannons will not focus on asteroids when another cannon is already targeting it
  • Engagement popup: Ask players for feedback after having played 20 hours of having finished the campaign
  • Asteroid rocks give stone quarry an extra bonus


  • Now possible to get the “scientists” research achievement
  • Harvesting of rare asteroids is properly displayed in the resource statistics
  • Alignment of level visualization for city centers
  • Waking up volcanoes in sandbox editor is working again
  • Size of world icons when using different UI scales
  • Leveling frontier buoys is working again
  • Display range when building maintenance station and remediation center

#47 “Technology Trade on Giant Planets”

Greetings, Space Colony Managers!

The Universe is expanding! Because of this growing luxury of empty void we implemented much bigger planets into Imagine Earth which can be played with or against up to 6 factions. There is now technology trade to make other colonies more interesting.

There is a new trailer as well as tons of gameplay fixes and improvements to make Imagine Earth ready for the launch of early access on Humble Store on Nov 9th… – that’s right, two days ahead! đŸ˜€ Please share the joy about this with us and the rest of the world.

Bigger Planets

We implemented bigger Planets into the game because many of you asked for them. Let us know if you have any feature requests, ideas and stuff coming to your mind while checking out the latest version. Here are the details:

  • Biggest planet has 2880 compared to previously 2000 fields
  • Increased maximum competing companies to 6 (from 4)
  • Maximum landmass increased to 80% of planet
  • Tuto twice the size (720 fields, previously 320)
  • Addition: Tuto mission has received a lot of detail improvements to make it a smoother experience

Technology Trade

Now you can buy single construction kits for buildings from other corporations. This means trading with other colonies gets more interesting.

Each building that has been licensed by the other colony will be offered in their store – given that your diplomatic status is good enough. Of course it will be much more expansive to buy these single construction kits and therefor make sense to license a construct yourself if you need it more often.

Landing animation

As you can see we started implementing epic cut-scenes to introduce all other factions, traders and invaders landing on your planet for the first time.

Planet Themes

The last update introduced planetary themes and this time we made a general and huge rework of the themes textures to make them look more diverse and individual and last be not least, much better.

Volcanic world for example has by default no polar caps (so no rising sea level)

AI Doing Research

Another important step done in order to make the AI fair and fun to play: The AI now has to research upgrades and other improvements in order to use them. So far those tricksters were able to build any upgrade without having to research it.

New Trailer Video & Subtitles

The existing trailer clearly needed a remake and has been replaced with a new one that is much more relying on in-game graphics to give you a perfect introduction into the actual game. Watch it and enjoy advanced space traveling via ideon powered hypergates!

Improvements & Balancing

  • New Music Track. Tracks are now looped to a maximum of three minutes and than randomly change.
  • Forests back in build ring. No longer license-able.
  • Removed remediation from tool ring.
  • Increased maintenance cost for forestry (the relatively low cost was basically the reason the AI most times choose to build it).
  • Changed description and factors of industrial farm GM upgrade to make it less confusing
  • Sleeping volcano new better visualized and explained
  • Increased number of volcanoes and likelihood of erupting every once in a while
  • Rare rocks are now also detected on neighboring fields
  • During campaign also block fields next to rocks for first city center
  • Auto saves are now done based on real time instead of in-game time
  • Dead sea grass on land field is automatically removed
  • Dead forests can now be removed
  • Desertification can now also be canceled with temple powers (growth and fertility) and super-fertilizer
  • Temple power cure can now also be used on other colonies
  • Assimilator uplinks can now also be set on fire while they are building a drone. The uplink will extinguish itself after some time, though

UI Improvements

  • New fertility icon
  • Build process is now visualized with the icon of the building
  • Influences of neighbor buildings are now visualized with the resource type icon instead of the buildings icon
  • For huge buildings and mountains influence icons are now only displayed on the main field
  • Harvesting resources new displays the corresponding resource icon
  • Improved goal description visualization
  • Improved mouse responsibility when interaction with menus
  • Added separate smiley when a district is losing people due to missing food
  • Added icon to build ring to clearer distinguish it from the tool ring
  • Highlight in inventory when new item has been crafted
  • New sound for cancel
  • Dead forests and temple ruins are now properly named
  • Added tooltip for fossil resources to field info panel in bottom left
  • Adjusted building order in the technology panel
  • Improved game over dialog


  • Fixed a bug where the game didn’t start at all on windows 7 systems
  • Fixed graphics bug for assimilated cities and city centers level 2 and 3
  • Display fires in the short-cut panel (top right)
  • Fixed a bug where fires could not be extinguished
  • Fixed description of the fire temple power
  • When blasting mountains sometimes two rocks where placed at the same field

#46 “Gaia Forces and Planet Themes”

Dear Colony Managers, in this update we increase the visual and gameplay diversity of our planets with the themes Jungle, Terran, Swamp, Barren, Volcanic and Frozen. Also we dedicated a lot of our time into making the Tuto and Joma mission a better experience. Read on to find out what else has changed.

Also we are the EGX in Berlin this weekend presenting Imagine Earth in hall 7 at Station Berlin, if you happen to be there come over! In addition we start a week long deal on steam with 20% off beginning on monday…


    • Rocks, Asteroids & Scanner
    • Gaia Forces in Build Ring
    • Drone Priorities
    • Planet Themes
    • Storytelling
    • Translation
    • UI & Graphics
    • Money Balancing
  • Balancing & Fixes

Rocks, Asteroids & Scanner

Asteroids now can contain all types of rare resources. They look different and when you decide to throw one of these asteroids against an opponent you might accidentally send him a big present full of ideon or lithium.

Scanners are having an increased scan radius and an increased value in gameplay. You will now have to scan all rocks to find out if there’s any gold, titanium, lithium or ideon hidden in them.
Rare resources are automatically detected when you take over the field into your build radius. The amount of rare resources on all planets has been raised in general.

Gaia Forces in Build Ring

You can now access all the forces you have loaded in temples right from the build ring. Therefor we have thrown the forest ring out of the ring menu because you can only build forests with seed bombs from now on and the different types of forest weren’t relevant enough for gameplay to take up an own slot in the main build menu.

Drone Priorities

Drones no prioritize open tasks. Dealing with fires is most important, followed by repairing highly damaged buildings. After that they will deal with new buildings and other things. They only return to the city center when they need a package to build something.

Planet Themes

We have set up six general presets or themes for planets, so you can choose quickly under which conditions you want to play a competition round or freeplay. Choices are Terran conditions, Frozen World, Swamp, Barren, Jungle or Volcanic World.

In addition there are new mountain models on many of our planets.


We reworked the first three missions, so that you can play more straight through without being interrupted by dialogs and story suddenly popping up. More story elements are now clickable in form of info and mission icons. So you can start cut-scene when you are ready. On the other hand we made them auto started when nothing was happening story-wise for some time so you don’t miss important story elements.
To make the factions more personal we have individual victory messages when others win in competition mode.


  • Steam store front has been translated into Spanish
  • Many new Russian translations for buildings, tools and UI

UI & Graphics

  • Bookmark panel on the upper right has a special section for dangers now
  • New panel to display construct and upgrade details on technology screen
  • New character for the Midras Miner
  • Visualize fertility influence more clearly
  • Districts: blue light when level-up possible
  • Increased display size of warning icons
  • Reduce snow intensity on streets
  • Text colors on menu buttons changed so text stays more readable
  • Added out of money message for multi-upgrading
  • Progress ring for temple plundering
  • New landing animation for Leen’s ship
  • Trader Icons darker
  • Spaceport launch ramp remodeled

Money Balancing

  • When you take over an opponents city by buying up his shares you will no longer have to pay an extra money fee for the takeover as you paid for the shares already.
  • City center takeover only costs shares (no more money)
  • Rebuilding a city center with a new landing permit is now free of charge because generally you have paid for the landing permit itself or earned it otherwise.
  • You will be getting more dividend payments out of shares you hold of other corporations to make the feature more relevant.
  • The emission levy costs for air pollution have been reduced as it was so high that it ate up almost all of the companies profit.


  • New range upgrades for maintenance and remediation buildings
  • Relocating fishing ships made cheaper
  • Warehouse: Default storage for energy food and goods is smaller. Reduced price for upgrades
  • Increase the amount of rare resources on planets
  • AI should include pollution in field assessment
  • Glass factory and solar park no longer need 45°C to reach max productivity
  • Reduced native trade frequency
  • Reduced Bironix trade favor to 10%
  • Increased number of science level research goals


  • Activated desertification (!)
  • Adjacency bonus for the stone quarry doesn’t work if rocks are in the water
  • Food shortage despite reported overproduction
  • Remediation does not work on ruin fields
  • Negative ghost income on startup
  • Radius of lasers and health districts is sometime incorrect
  • Black hole on top of small planets (e.g. Tuto)
  • Fixed 4:3 screen UI problems
  • Research tool-tips were sometimes partly outside of the screen
  • Storing mechanic of Lithium not working correct
  • Midras and natives repair themselves

#45 “Space Pirates and Vendors”

Dear Colony Managers, space is getting more frightening by now as a new threat is arising. Read about space pirates, special vendors, unique landing ships for all eight corporations and much more in our latest update release #45. Here’s what we got for you this time:

  • Beware the Space Pirates
  • New Item: Resource Piracy
  • Unique Landing Ships
  • Three Specialized Traders
  • Resource Trading Partners and Auto-Trade
  • Emission Trade and Visualization
  • More New Features & Fixes

Beware the Space Pirates

These nasty creatures land a strange kind of unknown flying object right over your warehouse to plunder it with their tractor beam. Simultaneously they start firing their board cannon to vandalize your base.

You can helplessly sit back and relax until they have stolen enough and loose interest. Or, you can choose to pay a ransom or install an energy shield onto a tower to block the guys off from your warehouses. In later missions you might as well develop lasers or pulse canons to give them a warm welcome if they ever return…

New Item: Resource Piracy

These pirates are not only a threat that randomly happens. You can also craft a landing control to send them upon one of your opponents. Sweet addition: You get half of what their ship can steal.

Unique Landing Ships

We are proudly presenting individual colony landing ships for all eight corporations.

After having introduced the individual factions last update now you can tell the difference between them by looking at their landing ship, which is automatically expanded into the main city tower after landing.

Three Specialized Traders

They come around with awesome looking new space ships amazing landing animations ;-). And they are specialized to trade either wares, items and tech, or rare resources.

Resource Trading Partners and Auto-Trade

The resource panel has been split into a money and a resources part. This helps to put the four basic resource classes and their storing and trading issues directly into the middle of your attention.

It now also shows you if there is another colony or trader able and willing to sell a certain resource to you when you need it (e.g for crafting).

You can also activate the automatic purchase and sale of resources. Note that this involves trading with every potential trading partner – regardless of whether the price is fair or not.

Emission Trade and Visualization

The emission levy now always must be payed as soon, as a company on the planet has a negative emission balance. Environmentally friendly corporations get emission trade payouts if there is a company that pays in.
The global emission balance is now visualized with positive values when the world’s climate is OK. It’s represented with negative red numbers when climate balance is going bad. Much more intuitive isn’t it?


More New Features

  • Now you get written info on all construct upgrades left to the tool ring.
  • The field info panel with details on deposits, pollution and other values of a single field is now also visible in navigation mode.
  • The probability of occurrence of riots and epidemics was too low. it has been increased by about 40%.
  • When using the seed bomb or nitro-skirlide seeds you can now see how well the plants will grow in that area.
  • There’s now a countdown for competitors coming down and landing their capsules. This puts you a bit under time pressure to find the best place for the base.
  • You can buy landing permits in missions as soon as you got the second city center. Good news in case a city is burning down.
  • Temples can now be repaired.
  • Trading panel improvements


  • Rewritten – Hypergate Ideon Objective – the vendor states out more clearly have to find and also sell the ideon crystal to him to open hyperspace gate into Udoxia Galaxy.
  • Rebalanced – Higher runtime costs for remediation centers
  • Fixed – Temples are no longer charging themselves apparently by surrounding nature or stuff
  • Fixed – Rocks had a shimmering on the surface as if they where rare resources
  • Fixed – A city center landing is now final – no more abort and vanishing of the landing capsule
  • Fixed – Background of colony value
  • Changed – Loading screens animations
  • Fixed – Many particle emitter problems
  • Fixed – Warehouse Upgrades couldn’t be activated in the tech-panel
  • Fixed – Cure goal bar looked finished after half of the task
  • Fixed – Savegame buttons in sandbox mode or messed up
  • Highscore background bar is reworked
  • Fixes for Rounos mission: Joe story plot does not wait for clicking the quest icons anymore.
  • Tornado fix – still visible in navigation when multiple tornados in one field.
  • Midras Extractor Temple has model and animation fixes
  • Midras Digger fixed model and particle system. Dust when drilling.
  • Spaceport fixes

Thanks for your attention once again! We hope you enjoy playing Imagine Earth and share with us your ideas on development.

#44 “Individual Corporations”

Wow, this feels like the biggest game system update since ever. It comes with a Simplified Chinese translation ( many thanks to deloquac! ) and so many other changes. Good timing to invite friends: Imagine Earth is 20% off during the steam summer sale.

Please check out our brand new Discord channel for Imagine Earth where we’d love to discuss the latest features with you. But first of all check out what we got for you this time:

  • Items for special buildings
  • New rare resource: Artifacts
  • Special abilities in research
  • Individual corporations
  • New faction: Nootilas
  • New faction: Privateers
  • New UI for build ring
  • Global warehouse storage
  • Translation for Simplified Chinese
  • New savegame menu
  • New frontier visualization
  • Fixes und Mission Improvements

Items for Special Buildings

You can now craft construction kits and landing controls for special buildings like the temple, pyramid, assimilator, Midras digger and the extractor and then place these units where and when ever you need them.

The extractor can only be build on an asteroid of course. Assimilator and digger can only be build outside the base. In rare cases traders will ship these items.

New Rare Resource: Artifacts

These artifacts are parts of ancient alien technology which enable you to use the Gaian energy force fields of the planet. They are used to craft all the special constructions mentioned above.

To gain artifacts you can now plunder temple ruins and wracked assimilators using drones. In addition they are produced by natives and can by bought from them (as long as you have a friendly relationship).

Special Abilities in Research

We have thrown the standard tools like claim and clean out of the research panel ( they’re all available by default now ) to make place for eleven new research options. They are very powerful general improvements for your colony management system.

Options vary from “-10% construct costs” or “-20% percent emissions” to lower consumption of food or goods and so on. Only difficulty: You need to research a whole research sector line to unlock them on the end.

Individual Corporations

There are now eight different corporations in the game with individual setup of technologies, startup icons and special abilities. In free play and competition mode you can choose one of these parties. The unlocked technologies of each faction also includes research of the upgrades. So each company has its own preset of research points to start with in the research system.

New Faction: Nootilas

Check out the two totally new factions to get a sense of how their individual possibilities are set up! We are actually still working on this and try to balance the factions. Please tell us what you experience throughout the gameplay ..

New Faction: Privateers

These corporations come with an individual background story as well which will be reflected in a kind of personal agenda as developments continues. This agenda will define how the company operates when they are you’re AI controlled opponents if you chose them for a colonization match.

New Frontier Visualization

To get rid of these edgy triangle borders we made the visualization of the borders much more discreet and subtile.

New UI for Build Ring

Last update we integrated infos about a working construct into its ring so you can understand in detail what influences production and mood.

Now we have also added all the general values and information on buildings into the build ring to make the different constructs comparable. In this context the descriptions of all buildings have been revised.

Global Warehouse Storage

There is a global storage system now. The resources will be shared between all your warehouses. Whenever a warehouse gets lost, broken or taken over by an opponent, your precious resources will be shipped to other facilities through an underground tunnel system to ensure nothing gets lost.

Each warehouse now also has two slots for energy, food and goods each by default.

Translation to Simplified Chinese

Well yeah, Imagine Earth is available in Simplified Chinese now. All of a sudden deloquac popped up with a complete translation of our game. Thank you so much deloquac, this really helps us out and we’ll mention you in the games credits! If anyone of you could imagine pushing this project forward with a translation into your native language please let us know:

New Savegame Menu

We have implemented a new approach to the savegame menu as well. You can now see more structured information and a small close up screenshot to pick the right savegame.

UI & Graphics

  • Load campaign planets directly from campaign screen
  • When placing a building show icons on fields that positively influence the building
  • Xrathul particle effects working again
  • Replaced € icon with the games currency symbol (
  • Show claim tool option on all unowned fields (as a hint that it exists)
  • Increase visibility of tooltip window arrow
  • Improved store visualization of not available resources and items
  • Improved speaker voice quality
  • Jump to other faction city by clicking the according goals panel icon (free play)
  • Rotate and tilt camera with pressed middle mouse or G key
  • Don’t show harvest dust for forests before harvesting has started
  • Improved quality of small icons in the world and UI
  • New player profile icon
  • Construction site is no longer displayed with transparency

Fixes & Improvements

  • AI now uses cannons and ideon bomb to defend against assimilators
  • Population should always slowly grow when capacity is free and they aren’t starving
  • Chemical plants are now available in all later campaign missions
  • Clean tool didn’t show on the correct field when occupied by a multi-field building
  • Share trading should always be allowed
  • Increased likelyhood of incidents for intact buildings
  • Renamed Saw mill to Wood factory
  • Harvesting any forest type now will always “produce” timber
  • Forests shrink slower when negative factors reduce their maximum size
  • Temples charge with Gaia twice as fast

Lorian Mission

  • Oil pests now take much longer before they disperse
  • Reduced fertility and starting area
  • Increased likelyhood of meteor showes
  • Fixed unclear and wrong parts in space market quest

Rounos Mission

  • Joe race goal didn’t properly show population count
  • Native quest explains in more details how treaties are working
  • Decreased Joe’s expansion speed a bit

Magni Mission

  • Xrathul no longer leave without you doing anything. They no loner harvest rocks and forests and only take very few fossil resources.
  • You can use rare resources now to “donate” them to the Xrathul

Thanks for your interest in the Imagine Earth Project, tell us what you think about the latest developments or get engaged in any of the games social platforms. For example you can engage in our new Imagine Earth wiki on gamepedia.

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#43 “Ocean Districts & Trade Discounts”

Dear Colony Managers,
prepare yourselves to build some beautiful ocean districts for your people! In addition there are loads of detail improvements that give the overall playability a huge boost! Mostly based on testing and your highly appreciated feedback. Special thanks to Johannes for improving our german translation!


  • Display info icons during colony placement
  • Trade discounts and surcharges
  • Ocean district
  • UI improvements for research, colony shares and workshop
  • List of gameplay improvements
  • New rendering system for buildings and world objects

Colony Placement

Placing a new colony or frontier building now displays icons on the surrounding fields. The represent the quality of the area by highlighting deserts, fields with high fertility, fossil or rare resources and more.

Trade Discounts

The price of resources and items always depends on who you are trading with. Space merchants and tech traders will charge a fee that makes buying more expensive and selling less lucrative. Natives and midras on the other side don’t know a lot about space market prices and often sell stuff very cheap.

Other colonists, finally, link their pricing to your diplomatic relation. This means it can be very powerful to have a good relation towards another company.

Ocean District

This new district is now made available in the Lorian mission.

The ocean district can be built on coast fields and the open sea. Districts have to be linked to others who connect with the shore.

Microplastic collectors clean the seas and recover goods by filtering floating plastic, other waste and impurities from the water.

Ocean thermal energy conversion uses the temperature difference between cooler deep sea and warmer surface water to meet part of the energy demand.

UI Improvements


  • Only display elements of buildings that are already available (the buildings don’t have to be licensed, though)
  • Highlight research options by improved category: energy, food, goods, income, emissions

Colony Share Trading

  • Take-over of a city no longer needs at least 50% of shares
  • Clearly display the player’s stake in another colony
  • Tooltip with transaction fee and expected dividend


  • Unite different item categories in single panel with scroll bars

Other UI Stuff

  • Added “mission failed” dialog to competitions
  • Highlight when an opposing faction is almost winning the competition
  • “Back” buttons in game are now called “resume game” to make it more clear
  • Infrastructure buildings now have gray icons


  • In competition and free play other factions will no longer wait until you have placed your first city center
  • Forests and other plants regrow much faster now after being harvested or burning
  • Nitroskirlid-pumpkins grow bigger in most areas now
  • Increased number of default tech licenses in competition and free play

Graphics & Tech

We have completely rewritten our rendering system for buildings and other world objects:

  • Improved render performance
  • Much nicer animations
  • More powerful particle effects