Category Archives: Blog

Serious Games Award
Best Persuasive Game

imagine_earth_screenshots_4We did it! Yesterday the Serious Games Award was awarded at the Cebit in Hannover. We are proud to say that Imagine Earth won the category “Persuasive Game”. Even though Florian had left us and the development of Imagine Earth almost a year before we invited him to join us and went on stage together to celebrate this.

The category Persuasive Game awards games that communicate and explain ideas and in best case convince about them. They motivate to stand in for something, move the public opinion towards an issue or even change the view of the world.

It seems we really have managed to let Imagine Earth communicate some of our ideas and ideals. Thanks to the jury, the organisers and especially the donors!

Imagine Cup Paris ’08

awards1In den letzten Tagen (03. bis 08.07.2008) haben wir als Finalteilnehmer bei Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Paris unsicher gemacht. Neben den unzähligen Software Design Teams aus aller Welt waren wir eines der 6 Game Developement Finalist Teams. Für einen der ersten drei Plätze hat es leider nicht gereicht (1. Brasilien, 2. Belgien, 3. Korea), also haben wir in den letzten Tagen mit dem anderen deutschen Team Paris unsicher gemacht.

Es war ziemlich cool Imagine Earth präsentieren zu können, vorallem weil es abschließend noch ein Ausstellung von allen Spielen und Software Projekten im Carrousel du Louvre gab. Irgendwie kam man sich wie ein kleines Rad in einer riesigen Medienproduktion vor.

Hier ein kleine Fotogalerie davon:

[nggallery id=3]awards1We spend the last week (03rd till 08th july 2008) in Paris, taking part as finalists at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. Although we did not manage to make it into the top 3 we had great days and met interesting people.

Here is a short gallery of our trip:

[nggallery id=3]