Category Archives: Blog

Visual Voltage Amplified | Exhibition in Berlin

Visual Voltage Amplified
Experimental art and design from Germany on the topic “Energy” | Exhibition of 7 – 24 January 2010, Location: Nordic Embassies, Felleshus, smoke Strasse 1, Berlin

In the context of this exhibition we will present our game as a live demo at a terminal, you can get a playful impression of it.
Visual Voltage Amplified presents an extensive and varied collection of concepts and documentation of current art and design projects related to energy.

Meat free Mondays

“The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has estimated that direct emissions from meat production account for about 18% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions.”
– Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC.

why-meat-free-mondayPretty impressive and startling – especially because few of us are aware of it. Most people talk about transportation, which acounts for 13%.
Whats wrong here? Eating meet has stronger influence on climatic changes than driving cars?! From that point of view it sounds like a good idea to have at least one day a week totally free of meat. And all of us that do not have an idea what else to eat: You will find help.

Bonne Apetit

Uranium – is it a country?

Uranium – is it a country? from STRAHLENDES KLIMA e.V. on Vimeo.

“We are involving ourselves in the current debate about environmentally friendly sources of energy. In Europe nuclear energy is more and more often celebrated as saving the climate. Clearly, nuclear power plants need uranium. Our aim is to comprehensively illustrate the opportunities and risks posed by nuclear energy, whilst paying particular attention to uranium mining. Australia has the world’s largest deposits of this resource. We will travel to the “land down under” to exemplify where uranium comes from, where it goes to and what is leftover from it.”

European Innovative Games Award

imagine_earth_screenshots_2The European Innovative Games Award was given on 6. November. And our game was one of the four finalists in the section gamedesign… allthoug we did not win it there was a nice business party where we met interesting people and did talk to publishers and journalists about the possible future of this project…


Entertaining 6,5 Minuten with the toptitles of the category Innovative Game Design and some philosophies about designing games in generell.

Imagine Earth bei “Neues” auf 3satImagine Earth at “Neues” on 3sat

In einer Sendung des 3sat Magazins “Neues” vom 08. MĂ€rz 2009 findet unser Spiel und der “Serious Games Award”  in der Anmoderation eines Beitrages ĂŒber Serious Games auf der Cebit 2009 ErwĂ€hnung.
Ab Spielminute 22:20 geht’s los. 😉

Serious Games Award
Best Persuasive Game

imagine_earth_screenshots_4We did it! Yesterday the Serious Games Award was awarded at the Cebit in Hannover. We are proud to say that Imagine Earth won the category “Persuasive Game”. Even though Florian had left us and the development of Imagine Earth almost a year before we invited him to join us and went on stage together to celebrate this.

The category Persuasive Game awards games that communicate and explain ideas and in best case convince about them. They motivate to stand in for something, move the public opinion towards an issue or even change the view of the world.

It seems we really have managed to let Imagine Earth communicate some of our ideas and ideals. Thanks to the jury, the organisers and especially the donors!

Imagine Cup Paris ’08

awards1In den letzten Tagen (03. bis 08.07.2008) haben wir als Finalteilnehmer bei Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Paris unsicher gemacht. Neben den unzĂ€hligen Software Design Teams aus aller Welt waren wir eines der 6 Game Developement Finalist Teams. FĂŒr einen der ersten drei PlĂ€tze hat es leider nicht gereicht (1. Brasilien, 2. Belgien, 3. Korea), also haben wir in den letzten Tagen mit dem anderen deutschen Team Paris unsicher gemacht.

Es war ziemlich cool Imagine Earth prĂ€sentieren zu können, vorallem weil es abschließend noch ein Ausstellung von allen Spielen und Software Projekten im Carrousel du Louvre gab. Irgendwie kam man sich wie ein kleines Rad in einer riesigen Medienproduktion vor.

Hier ein kleine Fotogalerie davon:

[nggallery id=3]awards1We spend the last week (03rd till 08th july 2008) in Paris, taking part as finalists at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. Although we did not manage to make it into the top 3 we had great days and met interesting people.

Here is a short gallery of our trip:

[nggallery id=3]