Category Archives: Blog

FReport 9 – Spoiler Alert!

Don’t continue to read this report if you want to be completely surprised by what is happening in the final mission of Imagine Earth’s campaign.

This week we have been working on the merchant, the meteorite and the endboss – all important parts of the final Bora mission. As we already mentioned in last week’s report, we will postpone the Alpha 11 release to next week.

Merchant Trade

Last week I removed the rigid connection between stars and research funds (stars are what you receive during the campaign for achieving things; research funds are needed to research new tools and enhancements). After doing this I was now able to add research funds to the trade offer of the Merchant. The screenshot shows all things he will offer. The prices are subject to balancing.


Meteorite 2.0

Jens built a new model for the meteorite.


The Endboss

There he is! The Endboss of Imagine Earth is making it’s way into the game! A few days ago Jens created the the models and during the last two days I have been implementing the necessary logic to use them for the mission. Starting from an Uplink that supplies him with orders he spreads like an infection to the nearest city. On his way he is taking over all buildings and when he finally reaches the City Center you will loose you whole city.


What’s up next week?

Immediately after writing this post and publishing it, I will continue to work on the Bora mission script. There is still a lot to be implemented, tested and polished. And we might have to add a way to defend against meteorites 😉

Friday Report #8 – Illuminati Temples, Volcanoes and German Games Award

This week for us was dominated by the German Games Awards. Aside from this Temples now have some superpowers and seismic activity increases the probability of a volcanic eruption.

Illuminati Temples

Temples now have up to three superpowers:

  1. Make ground fertile
  2. Start a wildfire
  3. Cause a volcanic eruption

To be able to use them the temple needs to be charged. How long it takes depends on the number of people living around the temple. So it’s a good idea to build your cities nearby.


Volcanoes and Seismic Activity

Geological investigations allow you to display volcanic activity. Every fossil-based or ground influencing building near a volcano (e.g. a geothermal power plant) will increase the seismic activity and through this the probability of an eruption. This also goes for exploding buildings and incidents. So you better be careful, because  you definitely don’t want a volcanic outburst near your city!


German Games Awards 

We had two nice days in Berlin attending the opening of the International Games Week and the awards ceremony of the German Games Awards. But the nomination must be enough for now they handed the award over to somebody else ;).

Friday Report #7 – Performance, Settings & Temples

This week we mainly improved the games performance and added new graphic settings. In addition we finalized the concept for temples in the game and started with the implementation. Remember that all changes will be published with the Alpha 11 release planned for May 1st.

Graphic Settings and Performance

The graphic settings now comes with options for the shadow quality and the details of textures and particles. Depending on your system this should allow you to increase the frame rate about 20% .

In addition to this Martin has been searching for performance bottle necks and memory leaks. He was lucky enough to find several of both so even without changing graphic settings Imagine Earth should run more smoothly.


The screenshot was take on a system without dedicated graphics adapter – so 30 fps is quite good.

Concept for Temples

Instead of plundering a temple you can also bring a sacrifice. This will give you access to the temple and it’s powers. The powers include making fields fertile, starting a wildfire somewhere on the planet and even letting volcanoes erupt. To use them you have to wait until the “believe energy” is full. The time this takes depends on the amount of population in nearby buildings.


And how do these powers work? We don’t know, but Twostone has kind of an explanation for it:

I would describe this power as a technology that we have not fully understood yet. But why shouldn’t we use it?

What’s up next week?

We will build all necessary logic and user interface elements for the Illuminati temples and add them to the Bora mission.

If there is time left we will also add a new way of earning development funds that can be used to unlock technologies.

Also we will attend the price gala of the “Deutscher Computerspielpreis” where we are nominated for best game design. If you haven’t voted for the audience award yet you should do it now:

Friday Report #6

We received a lot of feedback since the release of Alpha 10. After taking a few days off during the Easter days, we decided to focus on bugfixes and enhancements based on this feedback. This left only few time to work on other stuff, but we managed to update the early access version and demo with the changes (alpha 10.1).

Research and Development Funds

We are working on a concept to make sure research and development are better distinguishable and easier to understand. A first step was to add new icons so they have a clear connection to research and development (at least we hope so).


The next step will be to disconnect the research funds from the mission goals. Until now you could only earn up to 5 research funds per mission and there was no way of receiving additional funds in a free game. We plan to change this by doing the following:

The mission goals of the campaign (five per mission) will continue to give you stars. A new mission or free play will start with one research fund for every star you have. In addition you can earn additional research funds from non-mission goals and they will also be offered by the merchant. However these will not last for the next mission or another free play.

What’s up next week?

We have been adding several new graphic effects and performance hungry features like AI opponents during the last alpha releases. It’s time to enhance the performance of Imagine Earth. In practical terms this means that Martin will add more graphic options that allow you to increase the game performance.

Meanwhile Jens will continue working on the Bora mission and together we will add the final details for the Space Merchant.

Imagine Earth nominiert beim Deutschen Computerspielpreis 2015

( german press release on the occasion of the nomination for German Computer Game Award 2015 in the category “Best Game Design“)

8. April, 2015 – Das von zwei jungen Braunschweigern unabhängig entwickelte Computerspielspiel “Imagine Earth” ist für den deutschen Computerspielpreis 2015 in der Kategorie “Bestes Game Design” nominiert. Das Welt-Simulations- und Strategiespiel problematisiert die dramatischen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels.

Es läuft zudem die Online Abstimmung für den Publikumspreis. Man kann online noch bis zum 19.4. abstimmen und 3 x 2 Karten für die Preisverleihung und Gala am 21.4. in Berlin gewinnen.

Deutscher Computerspielpreis: Normierte Spiele 2015
(Kategorie: Bestes Game Design)

Publikumspreis: Online-Voting
( unter Top 20 steht Imagine Earth alphabetisch an 9. Stelle )

Imagine Earth

Es handelt sich hier um ein futuristisches Aufbau-Simulationsspiel, in dem der Spieler Kolonien auf weit entfernten Planeten errichtet. Es geht um Wachstum, die Versorgung der Einwohner und die Koexistenz mit anderen Siedlern. Darüber hinaus gilt es Wirtschaftlichkeit sicher zustellen und interstellaren Handel mit produzierten Gütern zu betreiben.

Die ganz große Herausforderung besteht jedoch darin, das Öko-System des Planeten nicht zu gefährden. Versäumt es der Spieler seine expandierende Gesellschaft mit neuen Technologien oder nachhaltigen Energien auszustatten, bevor die fossilen Brennstoffe zur Neige gehen, dann droht entweder ein Kollaps der Kolonie oder des globalen Klimas.

Beide Entwickler stammen aus Braunschweig und Umgebung, studierten an TU und HBK und haben hier 2014 ihre Firma „Serious Brothers UG“ gründet um Imagine Earth und weitere Spielprojekte zu entwickeln.

“Eine Balance zu finden, zwischen Wachstum und Nachhaltigkeit, das ist die größte Herausforderung für jede Zivilisation.”,
Martin Wahnschaffe (30), Programmierer

„Die Idee war, den problematischen Kontext von Umweltzerstörung und globaler Erwärmung in ein packendes Spielprinzip transportieren. Herausgekommen ist eine Art „Sim City“ im globalen Maßstab. Doch im Grunde ist das Spiel kaum vergleichbar mit anderen und die Möglichkeit einen ganzen Planeten zu bevölkern ist ein echtes Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Der Spieler hat volle Kontrolle und alle Freiheiten, seine eigenen Strategien zu entwickeln.“,
Jens Isensee (33), Game Designer


Alpha 10 – Competition

Hi Folks, Alpha 10 is out now! It comes with many new features such as the new competition game mode that adds competing ai colonists. They are still behaving a bit experimental. There are different fossil resource deposits now which will run out over time. We started adding steam achievements – claim your victories by starting the game. A redesign of the info panel now keeps the ground conditions visible even with a building on top. The warehouse is available as from Lorian and can store your overproduced energy, food and goods. In addition we have updated the demo version.

If you appreciate our work and like the game please consider writing a short review to push it on steam!

Competition Mode

The competition mode is available for all campaign planets and also for every planet you generate in the sandbox.

In this mode you have to reach a certain population goal and can choose up to 4 AI players. The screenshot above shows a game against 3 opponents. How fast they grow depends on the amount of resources available and the difficulty you choose. You can also steal their land and buildings with watchtowers. In this first version of the AI they wont defend themselves.

The navigation (space key) helps to maintain an overview and the stats menu allows you to compare in detail.

Fossil Resources & Info Panel

The info panel received a new look and some additional functionality:

  • The information of building and field are now separated, so it’s always possible to see all details.
  • When focusing a building in the development menu or in the build ring you can now see the production range of the building.
    E.g. a fishery will produce between 8 and 20 food depending on where you place it. Putting it onto fishing ground is essential. In addition you should make sure to leave some free fields between fisheries.
  • For fossil fields the gray bar shows the amount of resource left in the field. The energy produced by fossil power plants will go down over time. This will make buildings like coal power plants much more powerful, but you will have to be careful to use them the right way. Fossil resources are limited…



The warehouse is a new building in the goods category. It can store up to 3000 goods and its upgrades add the ability to store energy and food. Storing resources is a solution to deal with overproduction and to build a buffer for bad times or fast expansion. The stored resources can also be sold to the space merchant (a new unit that will be introduced in Alpha 11).


Steam Achievements

For now we only added 5 achievements. We are currently collecting things that are worth receiving an achievement for.

Tuto Joma Lorian Rounos Bora

What didn’t make it?

  1. Mission Bora
    Again. Because we can’t stop discussing and adding gameplay elements instead of focusing on the mission 😉
  2. Volcanoes
    In fact we already built them, but they will have their first appearance on Bora. So they are not included in the release.
  3. Steam Workshops for sharing Sandbox planets
    We currently aren’t sure whether this is a great feature or not.

What is planned guessed for Alpha 11?

  • The final mission on Bora. Really!
  • Volcanoes
  • Space Merchant
  • Laser canon against meteorites
  • Steam Trading Cards
  • Planet Tehra
  • Geothermal Power Plant
  • Waterworks
  • Complete Research

We wish you a lot of fun with the new version and happy Easter days.

Friday Report #5

It’s already three weeks since we released Alpha 9 and we still have a lot of todos on our list. Here are the main features we have been working on last week.

Space Merchant

The concept we wrote about in Friday Report #3 has now found it’s way into the game. The space merchant (see imagine above) is a new building that will have it’s introduction in the Bora mission. He arrives from time to time and stays until his ship is full with resources you have sold him. This said it’s a good idea to build warehouses so you are prepared when he arrives.

Victory Conditions and Competitors in Free Play mode

If you prefer to have a goal when playing, we have great news for you. We have built a first prototype of victory conditions for the free play mode. Instead of playing a free (and endless) game you can set the victory condition to “population” and add some AI competitors. The amount of population you will need to win depends on the planet size and the number of competitors.



Jens doesn’t want to spoil details on this yet, so we will have to go with a screenshot.


What’s up next week?

Alpha 10 will be released on Friday, April 3rd. Until then we hope to

  • give the AI for the free play mode some polishing,
  • fix a logic problem in the Tuto mission,
  • add a few Steam achievements,
  • integrate the warehouse into the existing Lorian and Rounos missions,
  • work on the Bora mission.

With the Alpha 10 release the demo will be updated, too. We want to add some free play to it, so it gives a better feeling for the full version.

Anything else?

If you haven’t heard it yet: Imagine Earth is nominated for the “Deutscher Computerspielpreis”. Please vote for us:


Friday Report #4

imagine_earth_deutscher_computerspielpreis_nomation_2015First of all we proudly announce that Imagine Earth is nominated for the German Games Award (“Deutscher Computerspielpreis”) in the category Gamedesign. Quite an honor to stand right next to titles like “The Last Tinker – City of Colors” and “Lords of the Fallen”.

Please vote Imagine Earth for the “Publikumspreis”

2015-03-18 DcpVoting

The awards ceremony will take place April 21st in Berlin. Let us know if you are there. But here’s what happened last week:

Fossil Resources

While working on this Jens did a redesign of the Info Panel as you can see in the bottom left. The gray bar shows the amount of fossil resource left in the field. The energy produced by fossil power plants will go down over time. This will make buildings like coal power plants much more power full, but you will have to be careful to use them the right way. Fossil resources are limited…


Competitor Stats

The stats now shows population, life quality, advance, etc. of competitors. This will visible in missions like Rounos and Bora and in the planned competition mode.



Each warehouse you build stores up to 3000 goods. The ecologic and efficiency upgrades will add storage for 3000 food and 3000 energy. Storing resources will help you to decrease the amount of resources wasted due to overproduction. And you can use the stored resources to sell them, donate them or keep them for times of resource shortage.


Volcanoes now spit burning rocks onto the surrounding fields and set your buildings on fire. This is still work in progress.


What’s up next week?

As always we are working on gameplay elements for the Bora mission. The most important part will be to build the space merchant and to integrate volcanoes into the mission script.

In addition we will have a try adding a custom population goal as a win condition to the Free Play mode so you can compete against AI players.

Anything else?

Yes, we had a talk about our roadmap and here are the features we plan to add with the next two alpha releases… Continue reading

Friday Report #3

What did we do the last 7 days?

Fossil Resources
So far fossil resources in Imagine Earth are infinite. We wanted to change this for a long time now and finally did. Fields with fossil resources will now be depleted by coal, gas and nuclear power plants, oil platforms and mines. The efficiency of these buildings goes down over time and will reach a minimum of 50% when the resource is “empty”. This means your fossil power plants will become very inefficient, but still work.

In addition there are three new fields that give additional bonus to individual fossil buildings.

This is still work in progress. Volcanoes can erupt and through small burning rocks on surrounding buildings. This still looks quite ugly so there is no screenshot to show.

AI Trade
The AI players on Bora will sell you up to 20% of their produced resources. Which one depends on the used buildings. If you aren’t interested in a resource for some time the AI will even change it’s offer to another resource. The more you buy the more it will cost – demand determines price.

Space Merchant Concept
This one is still in a concept phase, but will definitely make it into the next alpha release, because it’s an important part of the Bora mission.


The space merchant sells important things like new City Centers and Development Coins. To make sure you have enough money you can sell bundles of your resources to him, e.g. 2000 goods for a certain price.

What’s planned for next week?

We will build the space merchant into the game and finish work on the volcano. Simultaneously the work on Bora will continue.

We will update our roadmap and tell you what’s planned for the next time and when Imagine Earth will probably be released.

Anything else?

The steam key of our contest goes to [57th] AgentJLM how populated Joma 5.295.000 people while maintaining a positive climate balance. Congratulations!