Category Archives: Blog

Alpha 18 – Lift Off

Welcome to a new year and to the first brand new Imagine Earth release of 2016 as well. Here are the features that Alpha Release 18 adds to the game.


Building rockets at the Spaceport

The spaceport is a new unit that gives you the ability to construct a spaceship. With this you can  sell 5 packages of resources to intergalactic traders at any time (1000 resource units each package).  This will give you better price conditions than trades with the merchant, but you will have to build a new ship every time which takes time and money.


New city graphics

Jens did a rework of the city graphics. The new cities now match the futuristic style you would expect from a civilization that colonizes space.


Separate resources can be stored and sold

So far our resource system knew only money and the three resources energy, food and goods. Adding more depth to this aspect of the game is something we have been discussing for months and now the time has come. The simulation of Imagine Earth now distinguishes between the following types of food: Grain, vegetables, salad, water, fish and meat. The same goes for energy and goods.2015-12-11_FoodTypes

Global resource storage

As the storage of resources now differentiates between the different resource types you can buy every type of food – even those you aren’t producing – and meet the needs of your people this way. As the screenshot shows you can also prioritize the storing of a specific resource. This might for example be a resource you want to make sure is available when the demand of your people rises.


Trading goods and resources

The new trading mechanisms for diversified resources are introduced in the space merchant’s shop and the new unit spaceport.  You can store overproduced resource types separately and sell the overproduction for profit. For each resource a market price is calculated based on the amount that was bought and sold during the game. In the future we want to enable you to trade this way with natives and other colonists, too. In addition you can still buy special items like research budgets and landing permits (right part of the screenshot).


New animation system for buildings

We are now able to give the buildings more complex animations and have already started to use this for some buildings, for example the stone quarry. Some buildings like the gas turbine power plant have also been redesigned  by Jens.

Buying colony shares of AI colonies

Last release we gave you the ability to sell your colony shares to refinance your company. Now we expanded that feature of equity trading to your opponent colonies and you can do a hostile takeover if you buy all their shares. This is especially useful to deal with AI players that pose a threat against the climate on your planet. However this feature is still in development and will require some balancing and the addition of things like receiving a profit share from bought colonies.


New planets for Tuto and Joma

These two planets now have twice as many fields and nicer textures. In addition the stone quarry now already becomes available on Tuto and warehouse and merchant are introduced on Joma (instead of Lorian).


More Changes

  • Restart is now also working for free play and competition on generated planets
  • Polished research menu graphics
  • Changed vegetation of first start planet (Thera)
  • Updated old dialog graphics
  • City center now comes with a storage for 1000 food and goods
  • Balanced neighbor field influences for forestry and quarry
  • Sacrificing at a temple now takes some time
  • Volcano can new be examined again
  • Deleting profiles is working again
  • Fixed diverse Bugs

Now have fun with the latest release and please let us know about any problem your run into… Thx a lot for your attention and have a great year 2016!

FReport #31 – Space port and Trading

Hi! This weekly report explains the new trading mechanisms of the Merchant and the new unit Space port.

Merchant Trading

As introduced in last week’s Friday Report, the resource system now distinguishes between up to 8 resource types for every of the 3 resource categories energy, food and goods.

In addition to special items like research budget and landing permits (right part of the screenshot) all resource types will be available for trading. For each  resource a market price is calculated based on the amount that was bought and sold during the game.


When the merchant arrives at your planet he will have a set of  resources available that are in demand. The bar on the left side of the trade ring shows the storage of the merchant which is limited. This means that you can sell only a few resource packages if you don’t buy anything from the merchant.

We plan to give the AI trading abilities,  too – so the merchant becomes a shared resource. First come, first served!

Space port

The space port is a new building that gives you the ability to construct a rocket. With this rocket you can  sell up to 5 packages to a distant world (1000 resources each).  This will offer a much better price than the merchant, but you will have to build a new rocket or every 5 packages you sell.


Thanks for following us! We wish you and your families the absolute best for the new year ahead.

Jens & Martin


FReport #30 – Resources

Welcome to our 30th Friday Report!
This week we have been working on:

  • a diversified resource system
  • population resource demands
  • global resource storage

All the things described in this post will be released with alpha 18 in a few weeks.

Resource system

So far our resource system knew only money and the three resources energy, food and goods. Adding more depth to this aspect of the game is something we have been dicussing for months and now the time has come.

The simulation of Imagine Earth now distinguishes between the following types of food: Grain, vegetables, salad, water, fish and meat. The same goes for energy and goods.


So what does this really change about the way you play Imagine Earth?

Population resource demands

The demand for resource variety depends on the level of your city districts. The people living in a level 1 district are satisfied with any type of food and goods. A level 2 district will need at least 2 types of food and 2 types of goods to be really happy. A level 3 district will need 3 types (see screenshot below) and so on.


In detail each type must have at least a 20% share of the districts consumption. So a greenhouse could produce enough salad to meet this criteria for up to 5 level 2 districts.

Global resource storage

The storage of resources now differentiates between the different resource types, too. You can buy every type of food – even those you aren’t producing – and thisway meet the needs of your people. As the screenshot shows you can also prioritize the storage of a specific resource. This might for example be a resource you want to make sure is available when the demand of your people rises.



Trading resource will become more important and complex with the new resource system. More details on this next week.

FReport #29 – City District Graphics

Behind the scenes we are currently working on a big change for the resource system and the needs of your people. This is still work in progress – so there is nothing to show yet.

Meanwhile Jens redesigned the Research district, Park district and Financial district. They new use the same base element and nicely integrate into your cities, but have received a more recognizable special element. You can see all of them in the above picture.


Alpha 17 – Colony Shares

It’s release time again and this one really brings a lot of changes. For example we have added new city and shadow graphics, it’s now possible to sell colony shares and the growth of forests depends on local temperature and fertility. Since most gameplay changes aren’t very obvious in the game you can read all the details here.

Colony Shares

This one is a very important change to the gameplay. Until now there is nothing you can do when your colony is out of money, except harvesting some forests. The money balancing was kind of bad, because we had to make sure a small colony generates enough taxes  to fund it’s further expansion. Scaled to a big colony you always had more taxes than you could ever spend.


With the new release you are now able to sell colony shares. This is a great way to make some money whenever you need it. The worth of each share depends on the size of your colony. The disadvantage of this is that you will have to pay more money when you repurchase it at a later point of time. As the screenshot shows your buyers also demand and dividend so you have to distribute a fraction of your profit (when all shares are sold its 25% of your profit on normal difficulty).

New City Graphics

Jens did a rework of the city graphics. The new cities match the the futuristic style you would expect from a civilization that colonizes space.

Neue Häuser und Städte

In addition they have been pimped with specular reflections on all the window faces. This gives your colony a complete new look, especially with the night lights that now are colorized in each player’s color.



The shadows really needed a filtering to make them less pixellated. For the technically interested: We are now using percentage closer filtering with 6 or 12 Poisson distributed and randomly rotated samples.

Production Statistics

We have added more details to the production statistics.


When you hover a specific building type in the resource stats you can easily find out how much productivity is lost by things like pollution or negative influences by neighboring buildings. The example screenshot shows the stats for all fisheries. The last row is the amount of money the production of 100 fish costs.

Fertility and Temperature

Fertility and temperature are two very important values for the local climate of a field.


As the screenshot shows these values can be visualized for the whole planet in the navigation view. Note the two red lines of unfertile area close to the equator. This happens on earth-like planets because most air with high humidity is being pulled towards the equator by the rising of hot air there.


Based on fertility and temperature each type of forest now has areas where it grows best.


In addition all forests will become more dense when surrounded by other forests. The only exception to this are cacti. All other individual differences are explained in FReport #27.

New Sandbox Feature


The sandbox editor  now comes with add and remove buttons for every ground, deco and building type. As shown in the screenshot below you can select the wanted ground type and use the plus button to assign it to another random field. This makes it very easy to distribute fossils, gold, forests and other stuff.


Last but not lease you can now drag a building from the build ring to attach it to the mouse cursor and place it multiple times. Alternatively you can keep the shift key pressed. Both features also work for tools and allow for mass repair or remediation.


Summed up we are very happy with the new release and now it’s time to take a break for some days. We hope you like the new features, too and would really like to hear your feedback. Some of the new features (like multi-build) go back to feedback from other players, so you can be sure we will read what you have to say.

FReport #28 – New Cities and Constructs

Good news for those who where questioning the retro 90s look of Imagine Earth. Yes, not all buildings are state of the art and some will get a makeup upgrade already with the next release in a few days. Finally the cities look like futuristic stuff you would definitely build while you are colonizing space.

We should also see some redesigned farms and get the space port running where you can build rockets and fill them with the resources you produced to sell them on the intergalatic markets…


FReport #27 – Forests

One of the things we are currently working on is giving the different types of forest individual simulation values and additional pros and cons. This is what we have come up with and will be part of the next release.

You have a great idea on what else could make each type of forest individual? Let us know!

In general forest are the best way to deal with climate and environment pollution (aside from not polluting at all). In addition you can cut them down to make some money and buildings like the forestry obviously need forests around them. The amount of money you receive is calculated by the size of the forest and the type of wood. In this respect, deciduous and coniferous forests are best. Bamboo is great too, because it grows fast.


The other important difference is the maximum growth of each forest that depends on where you plant them. Aside from cacti, all forest will become more dense when surrounded by other forests. The other individual differences are explained in the following:

2015-10-30 ForestDeciduousDeciduous forest is the one on Tuto. It grows rather slowly and best on normal and fertile soil. It becomes more dense when surrounded by other forests. Deciduous forest reduces air pollution significantly and improves soil quality.
[climate +15, environment +8]

2015-10-30 ForestFirConiferous forest is introduced on Joma. Grows best on high ground and becomes much more dense when surrounded by other forests. Coniferous forest reduces air pollution and improves soil quality considerably.
[climate +10, environment +15]

2015-10-30 ForestMushroomMushroom forest (yes, really) is introduced on Lorian. It grows best on normal and on fertile ground. It special “ability” is that nuclear contaminated areas recover much faster with mushroom forest on them.
[climate +12, environment +12]

2015-10-30 ForestBambooBamboo is introduced on Rounds and is growing very fast. Like most types of forest it becomes more dense when surrounded by other forests.
[climate +8, environment +8]

2015-10-30 ForestCactusCacti are introduced on Magni. They grow best in deserts and improve soil quality.
[climate +3, environment +6]

2015-10-30 ForestPalmPalms finally are introduced on Bora. Together with cacti they are the only plants that grow in deserts, but aside from this they are like “normal” forest with a low density.
[climate +8, environment +4]

FReport #26 – Light and Shadow

Colorized Building Lights

The night lights of building now are colorized in each player’s color. Together with the border line every colony can now easily be associated with it’s owner. The cover picture shows an example of the result.

Smooth Shadows

The shadows really needed a filtering to become more smooth. Dealing with graphic stuff like this always takes a lot of time to make the result really nice. We hope you like it!


New Sandbox Feature

The sandbox editor  now comes with add and remove buttons for every ground, deco and building type. As shown in the screenshot below you can select the wanted ground type and use the plus button to assign it to another random field. This makes it very easy to distribute fossils, gold, forests and other stuff.


Bugfix Release Alpha 16.1

  • Fixed a serious bug that lead to a game crash in the highscore list
  • Fixed a bug that didn’t correctly initialize a missing steam client on startup
  • Added achievements “Magni” and “Scientist”

Alpha 16 – Magni

Imagine Earth Alpha 16 extends the campaign with a new mission on a planet called Magni. It adds Xrathul harvesters, the shield generator upgrade and the construction material factory to the gameplay and as always we have picked a few UI and gameplay aspects and reworked them.


The mission is added in between Rounos and Bora and continues the story after Lima and Twostone’s decision to form their own company. To make some money you will start your mission as a freelancer for the interstellar environment agency of the United Space Union (USU). The main unique element of this mission are the harvester ships sent by a race called Xrathul.

Xrathul Harvester


Adding these guys to the game was a LOT more work than we expected it to be. They come with a simple logic that makes them harvest the planet from field to field in the direction of special targets like gold and city centers. You can “feed” them with energy, food and goods to make them go away or use a special defense laser.

Shield Generator

The shield generator is an upgrade that can only be added to a capital city (a city center level 4). It protects the city center from being damaged by twisters, volcanoes and … Xrathul harvesters. Note that this doesn’t protect the surrounding buildings and needs a lot of energy.


Construction Material Factory

This new goods factory produces building materials from different layers of rock and metals in the soil. Additional building materials can be obtained in regions with rocks. They increase the productivity of the plant and are slowly degraded. It can be upgraded with the energy intensive recycling of materials and cement processing that increases the production.


Technology and Stats reworked

The technology (used to be called “development”) panel and the stats screen received a slight redesign to better match the more futuristic style of the user interface.

In addition upgrades no longer have to be developed. This means a researched upgrade can always be applied to your existing buildings with having to buy a technology license for it.


New City Borders

Currently the borders are standing upright like laser walls. Because of this it’s sometimes hard to see them looking top-down. We reworked them and put them onto the planet. Now they are much easier to see and better looking:


We hope you have a lot of fun with the new version!

Jens & Martin

FReport #25

Here are some of the things we have been working on since last Friday.

Construction material factory

This new goods factory produces building materials from different layers of rock and metals in the soil. Additional building materials can be obtained in regions with rocks. They increase the productivity of the plant and are slowly degraded. It can be upgraded with the energy intensive recycling of materials and cement processing that increases the production.


Negotiations and Trading

To connect and trade with Natives and Illuminati you have to negotiate first. We changed how this works: Now you need to produce and store goods that are offered as a present when starting negotiations. In addition the success of this depends on the mood of the natives so you should make sure there is some forest left and don’t surround them with too many of your buildings.


New Stats Graphics

And finally a polishing update: Jens created a set of new graphics for the stats menu to make sure it fits the new UI style of Imagine Earth.


See you next week!