All posts by martin

#48 “Alliances, Sabotage & Company Rating”

Again we have a big December update for you with lots of interesting features that will refresh the space colonizing business. Have a look and give us your feedback on how they work…

Of course we’d like to take the opportunity to wish you all pleasant holidays and a happy new year in advance! We plan to celebrate the final release of Imagine Earth together in mid 2019!

Sabotage Hacks

The Sabotage item hacks supply buildings within a small radius and sets them into the state of malfunction in which they stop production and are constantly damaged until the building is destroyed or the malfunction is fixed.

Supply Capsules

Supply capsules contain items, resources and building construction kits. The colony that claims the field it landed on can take the cargo. The capsule will then disassemble automatically. They will land randomly on the planet throughout gameplay.

Orbital Lift for Colonists

New orbital lifts show you when colonists are coming or leaving your colony. This animation makes the colony more lively and visualizes where the colonists come from and where they disappear to when the quality of life is too low.

Company Rating

In the campaign galaxy you will now see a completion panel that shows your overall campaign progress. More important the colony ratings on all planets are wrapped up in a company rating that is compared in a global ranking.

Visit Your Colony

You can now revisit colonies after finishing the mission to find the remaining ideon crystals and to raise your colony rating by expanding your colony.

Campaign research and unlocked buildings are permanent. So you can use the technology you gathered in later missions to advance the cities when your return to earlier colonized planets.

Diplomacy States

Other corporations now have three shared diplomatic statuses: rivalry, neutral or alliance. They define if other factions trade with you and if there will be discounts. It also influences AI behavior: An alliance partner will respect your territory – a rival will actively grab your land.

AI Behaviour

We have added brand new AI behaviors to make factions more lively and authentic actors in the game. They may contact you via the message system and to propose neutrality or an alliance. In addition they will cancel an alliance or even declare rivalry when your relation is very bad. The AI remembers when you have helped against threats like an epidemic and alien invasions by using items or temple powers

Additional changes

  • Added clarifying goals on Bora to help Otarek against Assimilators
  • Introduction briefings for all game modes
  • Steam store page updated with images and Simplified Chinese version
  • Landing and starting animations for the Boss’ and Leen’s command center
  • Increased number of sleeping volcanoes in ice worlds
  • AI now uses pulse cannons more often
  • Pulse cannons will destroy small meteors with one shot
  • Cannons will not focus on asteroids when another cannon is already targeting it
  • Engagement popup: Ask players for feedback after having played 20 hours of having finished the campaign
  • Asteroid rocks give stone quarry an extra bonus


  • Now possible to get the “scientists” research achievement
  • Harvesting of rare asteroids is properly displayed in the resource statistics
  • Alignment of level visualization for city centers
  • Waking up volcanoes in sandbox editor is working again
  • Size of world icons when using different UI scales
  • Leveling frontier buoys is working again
  • Display range when building maintenance station and remediation center

#47 “Technology Trade on Giant Planets”

Greetings, Space Colony Managers!

The Universe is expanding! Because of this growing luxury of empty void we implemented much bigger planets into Imagine Earth which can be played with or against up to 6 factions. There is now technology trade to make other colonies more interesting.

There is a new trailer as well as tons of gameplay fixes and improvements to make Imagine Earth ready for the launch of early access on Humble Store on Nov 9th… – that’s right, two days ahead! 😀 Please share the joy about this with us and the rest of the world.

Bigger Planets

We implemented bigger Planets into the game because many of you asked for them. Let us know if you have any feature requests, ideas and stuff coming to your mind while checking out the latest version. Here are the details:

  • Biggest planet has 2880 compared to previously 2000 fields
  • Increased maximum competing companies to 6 (from 4)
  • Maximum landmass increased to 80% of planet
  • Tuto twice the size (720 fields, previously 320)
  • Addition: Tuto mission has received a lot of detail improvements to make it a smoother experience

Technology Trade

Now you can buy single construction kits for buildings from other corporations. This means trading with other colonies gets more interesting.

Each building that has been licensed by the other colony will be offered in their store – given that your diplomatic status is good enough. Of course it will be much more expansive to buy these single construction kits and therefor make sense to license a construct yourself if you need it more often.

Landing animation

As you can see we started implementing epic cut-scenes to introduce all other factions, traders and invaders landing on your planet for the first time.

Planet Themes

The last update introduced planetary themes and this time we made a general and huge rework of the themes textures to make them look more diverse and individual and last be not least, much better.

Volcanic world for example has by default no polar caps (so no rising sea level)

AI Doing Research

Another important step done in order to make the AI fair and fun to play: The AI now has to research upgrades and other improvements in order to use them. So far those tricksters were able to build any upgrade without having to research it.

New Trailer Video & Subtitles

The existing trailer clearly needed a remake and has been replaced with a new one that is much more relying on in-game graphics to give you a perfect introduction into the actual game. Watch it and enjoy advanced space traveling via ideon powered hypergates!

Improvements & Balancing

  • New Music Track. Tracks are now looped to a maximum of three minutes and than randomly change.
  • Forests back in build ring. No longer license-able.
  • Removed remediation from tool ring.
  • Increased maintenance cost for forestry (the relatively low cost was basically the reason the AI most times choose to build it).
  • Changed description and factors of industrial farm GM upgrade to make it less confusing
  • Sleeping volcano new better visualized and explained
  • Increased number of volcanoes and likelihood of erupting every once in a while
  • Rare rocks are now also detected on neighboring fields
  • During campaign also block fields next to rocks for first city center
  • Auto saves are now done based on real time instead of in-game time
  • Dead sea grass on land field is automatically removed
  • Dead forests can now be removed
  • Desertification can now also be canceled with temple powers (growth and fertility) and super-fertilizer
  • Temple power cure can now also be used on other colonies
  • Assimilator uplinks can now also be set on fire while they are building a drone. The uplink will extinguish itself after some time, though

UI Improvements

  • New fertility icon
  • Build process is now visualized with the icon of the building
  • Influences of neighbor buildings are now visualized with the resource type icon instead of the buildings icon
  • For huge buildings and mountains influence icons are now only displayed on the main field
  • Harvesting resources new displays the corresponding resource icon
  • Improved goal description visualization
  • Improved mouse responsibility when interaction with menus
  • Added separate smiley when a district is losing people due to missing food
  • Added icon to build ring to clearer distinguish it from the tool ring
  • Highlight in inventory when new item has been crafted
  • New sound for cancel
  • Dead forests and temple ruins are now properly named
  • Added tooltip for fossil resources to field info panel in bottom left
  • Adjusted building order in the technology panel
  • Improved game over dialog


  • Fixed a bug where the game didn’t start at all on windows 7 systems
  • Fixed graphics bug for assimilated cities and city centers level 2 and 3
  • Display fires in the short-cut panel (top right)
  • Fixed a bug where fires could not be extinguished
  • Fixed description of the fire temple power
  • When blasting mountains sometimes two rocks where placed at the same field

#44 “Individual Corporations”

Wow, this feels like the biggest game system update since ever. It comes with a Simplified Chinese translation ( many thanks to deloquac! ) and so many other changes. Good timing to invite friends: Imagine Earth is 20% off during the steam summer sale.

Please check out our brand new Discord channel for Imagine Earth where we’d love to discuss the latest features with you. But first of all check out what we got for you this time:

  • Items for special buildings
  • New rare resource: Artifacts
  • Special abilities in research
  • Individual corporations
  • New faction: Nootilas
  • New faction: Privateers
  • New UI for build ring
  • Global warehouse storage
  • Translation for Simplified Chinese
  • New savegame menu
  • New frontier visualization
  • Fixes und Mission Improvements

Items for Special Buildings

You can now craft construction kits and landing controls for special buildings like the temple, pyramid, assimilator, Midras digger and the extractor and then place these units where and when ever you need them.

The extractor can only be build on an asteroid of course. Assimilator and digger can only be build outside the base. In rare cases traders will ship these items.

New Rare Resource: Artifacts

These artifacts are parts of ancient alien technology which enable you to use the Gaian energy force fields of the planet. They are used to craft all the special constructions mentioned above.

To gain artifacts you can now plunder temple ruins and wracked assimilators using drones. In addition they are produced by natives and can by bought from them (as long as you have a friendly relationship).

Special Abilities in Research

We have thrown the standard tools like claim and clean out of the research panel ( they’re all available by default now ) to make place for eleven new research options. They are very powerful general improvements for your colony management system.

Options vary from “-10% construct costs” or “-20% percent emissions” to lower consumption of food or goods and so on. Only difficulty: You need to research a whole research sector line to unlock them on the end.

Individual Corporations

There are now eight different corporations in the game with individual setup of technologies, startup icons and special abilities. In free play and competition mode you can choose one of these parties. The unlocked technologies of each faction also includes research of the upgrades. So each company has its own preset of research points to start with in the research system.

New Faction: Nootilas

Check out the two totally new factions to get a sense of how their individual possibilities are set up! We are actually still working on this and try to balance the factions. Please tell us what you experience throughout the gameplay ..

New Faction: Privateers

These corporations come with an individual background story as well which will be reflected in a kind of personal agenda as developments continues. This agenda will define how the company operates when they are you’re AI controlled opponents if you chose them for a colonization match.

New Frontier Visualization

To get rid of these edgy triangle borders we made the visualization of the borders much more discreet and subtile.

New UI for Build Ring

Last update we integrated infos about a working construct into its ring so you can understand in detail what influences production and mood.

Now we have also added all the general values and information on buildings into the build ring to make the different constructs comparable. In this context the descriptions of all buildings have been revised.

Global Warehouse Storage

There is a global storage system now. The resources will be shared between all your warehouses. Whenever a warehouse gets lost, broken or taken over by an opponent, your precious resources will be shipped to other facilities through an underground tunnel system to ensure nothing gets lost.

Each warehouse now also has two slots for energy, food and goods each by default.

Translation to Simplified Chinese

Well yeah, Imagine Earth is available in Simplified Chinese now. All of a sudden deloquac popped up with a complete translation of our game. Thank you so much deloquac, this really helps us out and we’ll mention you in the games credits! If anyone of you could imagine pushing this project forward with a translation into your native language please let us know:

New Savegame Menu

We have implemented a new approach to the savegame menu as well. You can now see more structured information and a small close up screenshot to pick the right savegame.

UI & Graphics

  • Load campaign planets directly from campaign screen
  • When placing a building show icons on fields that positively influence the building
  • Xrathul particle effects working again
  • Replaced € icon with the games currency symbol (
  • Show claim tool option on all unowned fields (as a hint that it exists)
  • Increase visibility of tooltip window arrow
  • Improved store visualization of not available resources and items
  • Improved speaker voice quality
  • Jump to other faction city by clicking the according goals panel icon (free play)
  • Rotate and tilt camera with pressed middle mouse or G key
  • Don’t show harvest dust for forests before harvesting has started
  • Improved quality of small icons in the world and UI
  • New player profile icon
  • Construction site is no longer displayed with transparency

Fixes & Improvements

  • AI now uses cannons and ideon bomb to defend against assimilators
  • Population should always slowly grow when capacity is free and they aren’t starving
  • Chemical plants are now available in all later campaign missions
  • Clean tool didn’t show on the correct field when occupied by a multi-field building
  • Share trading should always be allowed
  • Increased likelyhood of incidents for intact buildings
  • Renamed Saw mill to Wood factory
  • Harvesting any forest type now will always “produce” timber
  • Forests shrink slower when negative factors reduce their maximum size
  • Temples charge with Gaia twice as fast

Lorian Mission

  • Oil pests now take much longer before they disperse
  • Reduced fertility and starting area
  • Increased likelyhood of meteor showes
  • Fixed unclear and wrong parts in space market quest

Rounos Mission

  • Joe race goal didn’t properly show population count
  • Native quest explains in more details how treaties are working
  • Decreased Joe’s expansion speed a bit

Magni Mission

  • Xrathul no longer leave without you doing anything. They no loner harvest rocks and forests and only take very few fossil resources.
  • You can use rare resources now to “donate” them to the Xrathul

Thanks for your interest in the Imagine Earth Project, tell us what you think about the latest developments or get engaged in any of the games social platforms. For example you can engage in our new Imagine Earth wiki on gamepedia.

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#43 “Ocean Districts & Trade Discounts”

Dear Colony Managers,
prepare yourselves to build some beautiful ocean districts for your people! In addition there are loads of detail improvements that give the overall playability a huge boost! Mostly based on testing and your highly appreciated feedback. Special thanks to Johannes for improving our german translation!


  • Display info icons during colony placement
  • Trade discounts and surcharges
  • Ocean district
  • UI improvements for research, colony shares and workshop
  • List of gameplay improvements
  • New rendering system for buildings and world objects

Colony Placement

Placing a new colony or frontier building now displays icons on the surrounding fields. The represent the quality of the area by highlighting deserts, fields with high fertility, fossil or rare resources and more.

Trade Discounts

The price of resources and items always depends on who you are trading with. Space merchants and tech traders will charge a fee that makes buying more expensive and selling less lucrative. Natives and midras on the other side don’t know a lot about space market prices and often sell stuff very cheap.

Other colonists, finally, link their pricing to your diplomatic relation. This means it can be very powerful to have a good relation towards another company.

Ocean District

This new district is now made available in the Lorian mission.

The ocean district can be built on coast fields and the open sea. Districts have to be linked to others who connect with the shore.

Microplastic collectors clean the seas and recover goods by filtering floating plastic, other waste and impurities from the water.

Ocean thermal energy conversion uses the temperature difference between cooler deep sea and warmer surface water to meet part of the energy demand.

UI Improvements


  • Only display elements of buildings that are already available (the buildings don’t have to be licensed, though)
  • Highlight research options by improved category: energy, food, goods, income, emissions

Colony Share Trading

  • Take-over of a city no longer needs at least 50% of shares
  • Clearly display the player’s stake in another colony
  • Tooltip with transaction fee and expected dividend


  • Unite different item categories in single panel with scroll bars

Other UI Stuff

  • Added “mission failed” dialog to competitions
  • Highlight when an opposing faction is almost winning the competition
  • “Back” buttons in game are now called “resume game” to make it more clear
  • Infrastructure buildings now have gray icons


  • In competition and free play other factions will no longer wait until you have placed your first city center
  • Forests and other plants regrow much faster now after being harvested or burning
  • Nitroskirlid-pumpkins grow bigger in most areas now
  • Increased number of default tech licenses in competition and free play

Graphics & Tech

We have completely rewritten our rendering system for buildings and other world objects:

  • Improved render performance
  • Much nicer animations
  • More powerful particle effects

#42 “Equity Crash, Riots and Security Complex”

Attention colony managers,
you may have expected the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything” from update 42 or have you newer sheltered a passing hitchhiker in one of your outposts?

Anyways, what you get instead is of course just another bunch of problems which will make the colonizing business so much more interesting…


  • Catastrophes let colony shares drop
  • Riots in cities and native camps
  • Security Complex
  • New item: Soma
  • New city center animation
  • Anti-aliasing
  • Biome & forest diversification
  • Fixes & improvements

Catastrophes Let Colony Shares Drop

For example a persisting epidemic in another companie’s colony is lowering their colony’s stock price. Use this opportunity to buy their shares at a discount!

Riots, fires, hackings, flood, tornadoes, asteroids, meteors and other incidents have similar effects. Also threats like Assimilators or Xrathul will cause a drop.

Your ability to artificially trigger these natural catastrophes through temples and items makes price drops an interesting prelude to the next strategic equity buying spree and the takeover of other colonies. The free market makes it possible.

Riots in the Colony

Riots are now a real threat to your colony! This is what happens when your colonists are unhappy for a long time. Under-supply of resources or negative external influences lead to a poor quality of life. If these circumstances continue for too long, people’s misfortune increases to anger and a riot develops. It’s too late to fight the causes of the uprising as soon as it breaks out. A riot can be pacified with the use of Soma and prevented by a security complex or a frontier tower. But the easiest thing to do is to provide good colony living conditions in the first place.

Security Complex

This building stations police units to maintain order in the colony. Riots of dissatisfied colonists in the surrounding area are prevented. This ensures peace and quiet, although this is associated with additional costs.
The facility monitoring upgrade scans production facilities in the surrounding area and prevents incidents.
The cyber security upgrade monitors the information networks in surrounding buildings and prevents hacker attacks.


We could finally synthesize Soma, the famous drug from Aldous Huxley. This is what the packing slip says: “To avoid major mood swings that can lead to negative moods, people regularly take Soma, a drug that has a mood-lifting and stimulating effect and is also used as an aphrodisiac. Unlike alcohol, it has no side effects at the usual dosage and is produced synthetically.”

To sum it up: it’s raising the general life quality and helps against riots.

New City Center Animation

A new age of ingame animations awaits us! Starting with the colony center base which is expanding in various parts that screw, bend and turn out of the ground when the landing capsule is coming down. The worker drones are now stationed on landing pads from which they will lift off to build and repair.


Might sound a bit weird but we had to disable this basic graphics feature for ages due to framework issues. But what it adds to the game’s look is awesomely amazing. Lovely, calm and soft edges everywhere especially when you zoom out from the planet, have a look.

Biome & Forest Diversification

Ralph sent us a very detailed feedback with improvement suggestions to make the environment and nature more realistic (Thanks!). Based on this we decided to further diversify the biomes and forests:

  • Forests in fertile areas are often better at binding CO2. This is for example the case for rain forest and bog forest
  • Big fish swarms are more common in cold areas
  • Industrial farming and fishing reduce fertility
  • Steppe is bad ground for forest growth, but quite good for farms and especially resistant, so fertility is only slowly decreased
  • Rain forest ground in contrast is easily damageable and loses it’s fertility fast

Fixes & Improvements

  • Added achievements for Edora, Iqunox and Thera and when reaching 40 points in the campaign
  • Workshop queue is only available for workshops of level 2 now
  • Camera position is restored when loading a savegame
  • Priorization stores at least 10% of a resource’s production. This amount is now shown in the list of consumed resources
  • Fossil resources below 10% will decrease a fossil power plant’s productivity (up tp 20%)
  • Fixed bugs in highscore list
  • New unlocked items are highlighted in the inventory
  • Switched background music compression from ADPCM to WMA streaming
  • Fixed game freeze and window disappearing problems

#41 “Colony Interface & Desertification”

Welcome back colony managers,

here comes a set of awesome new features improving your space colonization systems.  This month we spent a lot of time into pimping the user interface of the game into it’s 4th evolution and making it 4k ready by the way.

With the remediation center a very important infrastructure building made it into this release and also the logistic center got a workover enabling you to fully automate repairing and cleaning processes. And there’s more…


  • New user interface
  • Remediation center & carbon sequestration
  • Logistic center is now maintenance station
  • Desertification threat and temple power
  • Solar park and wind farm alignement
  • Mountain variations
  • Fixes & improvements

New User Interface

The existing user interface clearly did not meet the demands of our colony & planet simulation. It was very clumsy and reminiscent of a casual mobile phone game.

So we rebuilt it, using the smaller and much clearer Roboto font for all text elements, while keeping our futuristic fonts for headers and elements that need highlighting.

The new interface now has become much easier to read while taking less screen space and thisway giving even more focus to the planet itself.

If you are using a relatively small screen with a high resolution you can still zoom the interface up to 150% in the options.

A side effect of our work is that the new user interface has a higher resolution and thus is ready for your 4K display.

Remediation Center & Carbon Sequestration

The new building remediation center comes with an additional worker drone and uses this drone to automatically start the clean up process for nearby fields.

An powerful upgrade for the center is carbon sequestration – the technical separation and storage of CO2 emissions from surrounding buildings and power plants. Thanks to underground compression, the exhaust gases do not enter the atmosphere.

The second ugrade for this building is “Advanced Remediation Process” it halves the cost of soil clean up in the area.

Logistic Center is now Maintenance Station

The logistic center is now called “Maintenance station” and automatically repairs nearby damaged buildings by default. It’s upgrades are the fire station and “Advanced Repair Process”, which halves the cost of repair processes in the area.

Desertification Threat and Temple Power

In the course of global warming there will be new deserts emerging next to others. Thereby the infertile wasteland is growing. The only way to prevent this is to plant forests onto desert fields so it can’t spread. Trees will effectively stop the process of desertification.

In the illuminati temple you can use gaian energy to create a field of desert anywhere around the world. Except on fields with forests on them.

Solar Panels and Wind Farms

They are aligning to the sun and the wind direction now.

Mountain Variations

Each mountain has two versions now to bring more variety into the game’s look.

These two versions are now put to the three edges of big mountains as well to make it easier to see whether a field is blocked by mountains.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed animation problems: we had some seriously strange problems with sub models and animations. Mystery finally concluded!
  • Ships and oilplatforms no longer visible under water, while being built.
  • City expansion now also needs drones.
  • Show diplomatic relation progress as ring (full ring reaches next diplomatic level)
  • Fixed orientation angle of volcanoes and huge mountains on small planets
  • Sandbox category for mushroom forests

As always we wish you a good fun and hope you let us know if anything comes to your mind about the new features!

Jens & Martin

#40 – “Diplomacy”

Space colony people, may we have your attention please?

The age of diplomacy just kicked into Imagine Earth! Other corporations now have an attitude towards you. When you are being offensive they will find appropriate strategies to react to your doings.  Also there’s a mighty construct in this update for you as well: The Midras Extractor creates tornadoes and does terraforming.

Read your way down through all those good news to catch a glimpse of some future plans we have.

Thanks very much for being with us! If you do like the way we do things here please consider giving the game a thumps up on Steam. It would help as a lot!

Why not follow our brand new twitter account @SeriousBrothers?


  • Diplomacy
  • Midras Extractor
  • Niter pumpkin seeds
  • Planet Bonus Goals
  • AI & Merchants
  • Fixes & Improvements


Did you always want to interact more with the colonies you share the planet with? Well we did ever since. Now the other corporations have a mood set in seven levels from being allies to enemies. They react to certain events that you trigger like stealing their land by building a tower or using a hacking tool against them.

As you can see they stopped trading stuff with us because I threw an asteroid on them. There reactions go down to aggressively taking my terrain and buildings.

Note that these are our first “diplomatic steps” and will definitely need some refinement and your feedback!

Midras Extractor

The Extractor is a high tech construct of the Midras. It absorbs the power of fallen asteroids to generate force fields. It can do rare condensation to turns rocks into gold. Technically it condenses all the small metal particles so they become harvestable. A second power generates a force field in the sky to create a small-scale air vortex in the earth’s atmosphere with an almost vertical axis of rotation – a tornado. Third it enables you to do terraforming.

For the next update we plan to build these and other temple structures with artifacts you can buy from the various races.

Nitro Pumpkin Seeds

Natives will sell pumpkin seeds now. You can use them to plant your own nitro-pumpkins whereever you like.

In addition they trade ideon treasure maps showing how much ideon is in the nearest ideon deposit. Of course, you will also find classic products like gaian energy containers and the universes most favorite meal drug “Spice” in their shop.

Planet Bonus Goals

The bonus competition missions in the campaign mode now have 5 goals which help to introduce the victory point systems. This will make it more of a challenge to reach full points in your game profile.

AI & Merchants

  • The different AI fractions have individual item crafting preferences
  • AI finally has trade demands for energy, food and goods
  • AI actively buys resources for crafting tactical items
  • AI pays more attention to its emission balance
  • AI starts with less money because the where to rich!
  • Merchants only offers rare resources and goods – no longer food and energy
  • Merchants tries to offer things the player likely needs (e.g. for crafting)

Fixes & Improvements

  • Nice new snowy mountains
  • New construct: ski lodge for winter sports. Ahm no, just kiddin’! Time for spring to come…
  • Titanium goal on Tuto had a problem that we fixed.
  • Lithium goal on Lorian had an error regarding the amount of lithium that you were about to harvest.
  • Laser rotation speed got faster now to shoot asteroids in time.
  • Icon render order fixed.
  • Fixed profile generation available colors.
  • Fire spreads slower – we felt it was to dangerous.
  • Building city center no longer costs extra money. The landing permission is enough.
  • You can now destruct assimilator ruins. We wonder why nobody did complain, about this.

Future Constructs

During the holidays Jens scribbled down some ideas about the next buildings that will fill the build rings in of our game. Tell us which one feel most intriging to you or what other possible game features you would like to see. The 3 most original ideas in the comments of our blog will win a steam key for yourself or a friend:

Thanks for reading about Imagine Earth!
Martin & Jens

#39 “Thera”

Fellow space colony managers,

we recently discovered a new planet – say hello to Thera. In addition, our world management system needed some adjustments. All building upgrades were rebalanced and the resource simulation was revised. And of course there is so much more…..


  • New bonus mission on planet thera – a planet like earth
  • New vegetation graphics
  • Upgrade balancing
  • Resource simulation revised
  • Assimilators & Xrathul Harvester interaction with bombs
  • New trailer voiceover
  • Other improvements

Thera – a Planet Like Earth

The latest planet that you can unlock in the bonus galaxy is Thera. It might remind you of another planet you left long ago, right where you grew up before you joined the colonization business and started building a better future in space. Make sure that history wont repeat itself on this planet…

Organic Flora

We added some edge modells to forests so they look more organic and more round than triangle. As simply as this is said as astonishing it does look in the game.

Upgrade Balancing

All the upgrades in the game have been revisited and rebalanced. We mostly made them cheaper and more powerful to increase their strategic value.

Furthermore the visualization has been improved so you can see the most important numbers at a glimpse.

Resource Simulation

In order to make the upgrades more significant, we also had to adjust the complete resource simulation.

Let’s have a look at the most important change: The production and consumption values of all buildings are now per space minute instead of per space second.
For example the tax value of a district now represents what is collected within a full space minute. 1/60 of the amount will be added to your budget ervery space second.
If your colony makes a profit of +300€, it will take one space minute until the full amount is added to your budget. This equals +5€ per space second.

This allowed us to increase the production and consumption values of all buildings which makes them easier to read and compare.
Money related values have been increased by factor 10. Energy, food, goods and rare resources have been increased by factor 2-4. The same goes for emissions and field pollution.

In addition it allowed us to halve prices and money budget and to reduce the size of a resource cargo from from 1.000 to 100 units. These values are now easier to read and compare with the production as well.

Assimilators & Xrathul Harvester Interaction

These flying enemies are now attackable with ideon bombs and explosive devices, which will be thrown on them by your drones.
To do so you can simply hover and click the flying enemy unit and pick the item of your choice. Thisway you also get a context info about their motives and vulnerabilities.

New Trailer Voice Over

As you can hear the game features and mechanics are now explained by a native speaker with a compelling voice. As soon as we find time to redo the intro/trailer we also want to have this voice for Lima, the leading character in the game.

More Stuff

  • The inventory is now accessible through the tool ring for fields where it makes sense to use items. In addition you can open the construct ring with a right click any time.
  • Tower upgrades are also constructable through the tool ring when you have bought the corresponding item from a trader.
  • No distorting ringing sound for infos anymore.
  • Joe’s 50k Sales Goal on Mission Joma is only triggered when Joe was not already fired by the boss… oups, that was a spoiler ;D
  • On Planet Iqunox you have to craft medicine now instead of just selling medical substence harvested from corals.
  • Rounos Native Quest now tells you to build towers to repress uprisings of angry natives.
  • Mission Joma: We added a “Buy Scanner” goal to make more clear how to proceed in the mission.


  • The fieldmarker was redesigned to look better!
  • Tons of forest models have been optimized and graphics reworked.
  • Underwater build animation got fixed.
  • Hospital icon fixed, pumpkin shadow fixed.
  • Rooftop of the saw mill construct fixed.
  • Palms bigger and bump map fixed.
  • Reconstruct icon fixed.

#37 “Fusion Reaction”

Dear Space Colonists, our monthly update of Imagine Earth this time focuses on improving the visualization of building productivity and quality of life for cities.


  • Joma Extended & “Healing” for Temples
  • Fusion Reactor
  • Fire Station
  • Money and Tax Balancing
  • New UI for Details on Productivity and Quality of Life
  • Other improvements

Joma Extended & “Healing” for Temples

It’s now possible to donate items and resources to other colonies. For now this has only relevance for the missions, but in the near future we will be working on a diplomacy system.

We have extended the Joma mission to make use of this feature with respect to the epidemics and Birons.  This gives you the chance to take a decision at one point that will have influence to a later part of the mission.

The cure spell that is now available in temples neutralizes pathogens that can pose a threat to more complex forms of life on site – in other words, you can use it to heal epidemics.

Fusion Reactor

This new building is introduced in the Rounos mission.

The fusion reactor generates thermonuclear energy of nuclear fusion. Lithium is needed as a raw material, which can be extracted from asteroids on most planets. There is only relatively little radioactive waste and the reaction can be aborted safely at any time.

The “divertors” upgrade improves binding of impurities from the plasma and reduce maintenance and disposal costs. The “reactor extension” upgrade expands the reactor so that additional energy can be produced.

This building most likely will need some additional balancing, since it’s the first time a building consumed rare resources.

Fire Station

The fire station is an upgrade for city districts and the logistics center. It ensures that fires in the vicinity are automatically extinguished by a drone. In addition, the probability of forest and building fires is halved.

Money and Tax Balancing

Currently you always have loads of money in the long term. We are trying to improve the balancing of this a bit. In the first step we have increased the start budget and decreased tax income. At the same time we have increased the tax bonus you receive when your people have a high quality of life.

New UI for Details on Productivity and Quality of Life

Over the course of the last years Imagine Earth has become a quite complex game. A part of this complexity is how productivity is influenced by nearby buildings and local factors like ground fertility.

With this update we are introducing a new info panel that is shown when a building is clicked. It sums up the productivity and lists all the influencing factors and their strength. This will make it a lot easier for you to understand what is going on and how to increase the production output of your colony.

The second part of this is how the quality of life in cities is influenced. A high quality of life will give you a tax bonus and a low quality will decrease your income.

Buildings like the park district, health district and campus district increase the quality of life in surrounding districts. Other factors will decrease it. The new info panel lists the details on this, so you always know what’s going on.

Finally the former building info panel in the bottom left of the UI is replaced with a minimal version that shows the building’s / object’s name for the selected field and its production value / remaining resources.

Other improvements

  • You can open the build ring by right-clicking on any field now
  • Added explanations for epidemics
  • Bookmark panel no longer “clicks through”
  • Research and development panels no longer change the planet zoom level
  • Visualization for items received during the mission
  • Changed influence area visualization for cannons, shield, fire stations and more
  • Fixed city car animation problems

#36 “Epidemic on Joma”

Dear Space Colonists, our (almost) monthly update of Imagine Earth this time focuses on a remake of the Joma mission that introduces new buildings, items, threats and a new race – the Birons.


  • Birons on Joma
  • Trade with other colonies
  • Warehouse level 2
  • Epidemics, medicine and health district
  • Chemical plant
  • Meteor shower (new threat)
  • Worker drones
  • Seed bombs
  • New AI features and other improvements

Birons on Joma

The Joma mission was last mission from the old days of Imagine Earth. We decided to rework it and add some new goals and story to it, to make it more interesting. All the new features mentioned below are introduced in the mission.

The Birons are a new race that are introduced on Joma and are the first contact with another colony on a planet in the course of the campaign. They build small colonies and are focused on producing resources and items and trade these things.

Trade with other colonies

Other colonies are now ready to trade overproduced resources, harvested rare resources and items with you. They pay less than the merchant would, but are willing to trade any time.

Warehouse level 2

The warehouse can now be upgraded to level 2, after this has been unlocked in the research system. It doubles the storage for rare resources and adds a second harvester drone to the warehouse.

Epidemics, medicine and health district

Epidemics are a new threat that can occur anytime. The probability is increased by local pollution, high temperatures and buildings like the cattle breeding or chemical plant and mushroom forests.

You can cure the epidemic with the new item “Medicine”. It can either be crafted using chemicals and corals or bought from the trader.

The new health district improves the quality of life of the surrounding districts. In addition, the spread of epidemics is prevented and the probability of an outbreak is halved.

It’s medical lab doubles population growth in surrounding districts and the university hospital increases the radius of the health center in which epidemics are prevented, the quality of life is improved and medical laboratory affects population growth.

Chemical plant

The chemical plant produces all the chemicals needed in society. Production is increased by gas deposits as well as neighboring chemical plants. Inconspicuous, for example, for medicine and fertilizer production.

Fiber-reinforced plastic reduces the maintenance cost and risk of an incident by using fiber-reinforced plastic instead of metal. This avoids corrosion. Laboratory optimizes the production process and reduces quality-related production losses.

Meteor shower (new threat)

Meteor showers are a new force of nature. They come down as a burst of 3 to 6 small meteors that cause about 40% damage to normal buildings.

Single meteors can be shot by laser and pulse cannons or stopped by a city center or frontier tower with shield generator.

Worker drones

All basic maintenance and incident works are now done by worker drones. This includes shipping the construction site for a new building, relocating existing buildings, repairing damaged buildings, extinguishing fires and dropping items like explosive device or seed bomb.

To make sure you always have enough worker drones available, the logistics center comes with an additional drone.

Seed bombs

The seed bomb is a new item that grows the optimal forest on any field. This field can be located within or near your colony. The item can be crafted using nitrokirlide and timber.

New AI features and other improvements

  • New outro soundtrack
  • Mouse-wheel zoom now also rotates the planet towards a selected field
  • Research: Frontier tower level 2
  • Fixed quickload/-save (F4 and F5)
  • Ocean now starts to rise at 25% global warming (previously at 50%)
  • Colorize buildings by their type (navigation menu)
  • New animation for constructed buildings
  • Improved ideon crystal graphic
  • AI: Use cannon and shield to defend against Xrathul harvesters
  • AI: Craft items if needed or resources available
  • AI: Buy tech license if needed