Savin’ by searching. The search engine Forestle (powered by yahoo) scans the web for you and donates the network’s advertising revenues for the protection of the rainforest. In cooperation with Adopt an Acre
All posts by jooki
Uranium – is it a country?
Uranium – is it a country? from STRAHLENDES KLIMA e.V. on Vimeo.
“We are involving ourselves in the current debate about environmentally friendly sources of energy. In Europe nuclear energy is more and more often celebrated as saving the climate. Clearly, nuclear power plants need uranium. Our aim is to comprehensively illustrate the opportunities and risks posed by nuclear energy, whilst paying particular attention to uranium mining. Australia has the world’s largest deposits of this resource. We will travel to the “land down under” to exemplify where uranium comes from, where it goes to and what is leftover from it.”
Imagine Earth / Fonts
“Imagine Earth Font 1 & 2” are Truetype fonts I have create for our Serious Game. Pleasing small caps in a futuristic look. Now read for >> download << and free non-comercial usage.
Imagine Earth bei “Neues” auf 3satImagine Earth at “Neues” on 3sat
In einer Sendung des 3sat Magazins “Neues” vom 08. März 2009 findet unser Spiel und der “Serious Games Award” in der Anmoderation eines Beitrages über Serious Games auf der Cebit 2009 Erwähnung.
Ab Spielminute 22:20 geht’s los. 😉