All posts by jooki

News from the nuclear industry

Der große Bluff
Frontal21 hat wie immer eine sehr gute und deprimierende Reportage zum Ausstieg aus dem Atomaustieg. Es geht darum, dass die Verlängerung der Kraftwerk-Laufzeiten nicht den Kunden und Bürgern dient sondern der Bereicherung der Kraftwerkbetreiber und der Energieriesen. Die fragwürdige und ungelöste Endlager- und Atommüllproblematik wird thematisiert. Ein insgesamt erschreckendes Bild um die unsauberen, fahrlässigen und gefährlichen Praktiken einer Industrie und wie sie von den Politiker hofiert wird.

Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2010

German Computergameprice 2010 – Awards

We were nominated in the category “Best Student Game”
More information about that event on the german version of our website.

– – – German Computergameprice 2010 – Awards – – –

Am 29. April 2010in Berlin wurde bereits zum zweiten Mal der “Deutsche Computerspielpreis” verliehen. Wir waren mit dabei und mit Imagine Earth in der Kategorie “Bestes Konzept Studentenwettbewerb” nominiert. Der von den Branchenverbänden BIU e.V., BVDW e.V. und G.A.M.E. e.V. gemeinsam mit Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann getragene Preis ist mit insgesamt 500.000 Euro dotiert und wird im Rahmen der Deutschen Gamestage in Berlin verliehen. In neun Kategorien werden herausragende deutsche Spieleproduktionen ausgezeichnet. Zusätzlich gibt es einen Sonderpreis für international produzierte Spiele.

Nominated for “Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2010” on April 29

We are delighted to have received the nomination for the German Computergameprize 2010. It remains an anxious question whether we will persist with our project against the three other nominations and the added an additional price to the Serious Games Award 2009 we received at the CeBit in Hannover, Germany. The nomination for an award of this format, however, is in itself a great recognition of the long development time of more than two years, which we have invested alongside our studies. The awards ceremony will be held on April 29 as the culmination of the german Gamestage at the BCC in Berlin.

Campus Party Europe

Oh happy day, we have been invited to present our Project Imagine Earth at the Campus Party Europe. The Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation presents in Madrid from the 14th – 18th April, and during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, Campus Party Europe: a special edition of what is considered the biggest event for technology, creativity and digital culture online in the world. The event is also supported by the European Commission.

For four days, 800 young people from each of the 27 member states of the EU will participate in activities such as conferences, workshops and challenges centered around three knowledge areas: Science, Digital Creativity and Innovation.

City Lifestyle 4.0

Since today, it’s even more beautiful to live in the cities on Imagine Earth. They grow dynamically from the floor the higher the population density is. Depending on the configuration they show themselves in different textures, from the rustic town up to the urban jungle with Business skyline. It’s a pleasure to watch them grow.

Earth – The Movie

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate. The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film. HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

Visual Voltage Amplified – Berlin

Visual Voltage Amplified presents an extensive and varied collection of concepts and documentation of current art and design projects on energy. The exhibition includes unusual visualizations of energy use and makes startling proposals for energy production or utilization.

The spectrum of the exhibition ranges from completely utopian to workable concepts. All projects explore alternatives to the purely functional out. Often it is about ideas, consisting of a consistent round-the-corner-thinking arise. In the exhibition, take turns and Practical Nice with the absurd or ironic from a field of tension, the sight of their own Energy consumption and savings will be opened without reprimand to.
Exhibition of 7 24. January 2010, in tandem with Visual Voltage
Location: Nordic Embassies, Felleshus, smoke Strasse 1, D-10787 Berlin

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Visual Voltage Amplified | Exhibition in Berlin

Visual Voltage Amplified
Experimental art and design from Germany on the topic “Energy” | Exhibition of 7 – 24 January 2010, Location: Nordic Embassies, Felleshus, smoke Strasse 1, Berlin

In the context of this exhibition we will present our game as a live demo at a terminal, you can get a playful impression of it.
Visual Voltage Amplified presents an extensive and varied collection of concepts and documentation of current art and design projects related to energy.