#49 “Ocean Citadel and Global Warming”

The first update of Imagine Earth in 2019 brings you a new power construct which is built on the open sea with three brand new forces to unleash and a devastating catastrophe. As always there are tons of UI, AI and game balancing improvements. We reworked the first three missions intensively and enhanced the effects and visualization of global warming… We hope you enjoy the latest features and changes and send feedback and requests into our forum! Cheers, Jens & Martin

The Ocean Citadel

The ocean citadel is a powerful construction of the Nootilas, it can convert Gaian energy into force fields which influence sea and weather conditions. It is to be found on the open sea of course.


A power of the ocean citadel provokes a thunderstorm that moves across the planet in wind direction. The storm can cause wildfires and incidents in production facilities. Thunderstorms are also natural catastrophes whose occurrence becomes more likely with increasing global warming.

Ocean vitalisation

This power of the ocean citadel generates a gaian force field that vitalises the flora on the seabed and allows sea plants and occasionally corals to grow. This is helpful to re-balance the carbon emission balance on the planet.

Land subsidence

This Gaian force field of the ocean citadel lowers the tectonic continental plates – entire regions sink into the sea. Keep the mouse button pressed to apply the power.
Land reclamation works the same way from now on.

We redesigned the Cover Image, the website, Steam and social media channels

Multi-use of powers and item

You can now reuse forces and items by holding the shift key as long as you have more items of the same kind or enough gaian energy left in the according power constructs.

Global Warming

Due to the importance of this feature we have represented Global Warming more prominently in the Interface. You get a permanent display and icon for the emission balance and the global warming in percentage. And there is a global value of sea-level and temperature rise. The population counter has moved to the left of the UI also because it is not global.

Land height shown in field info panel

For better information it displays how high a certain piece of land is above the sea-level which is of particular interest in case of global warming. Will it be flooded by the melting polar caps?

“Earth Over” quarantine deactivated

We deactivated the quarantine of the planet in case of climate collapse which ended game way too early. You can now live on a ravaged planet with maximum climate chaos and all the catastrophes arising with it and still try to make your living or win a competitive round somehow.

You can activate this quarantine when starting a new game to stop a round when it gets almost hopeless. Also we changed the visualization of high global warming which was a bit over the top with yellow coloring of the oceans and the atmosphere.

In one of the next updates we plan to further increase the effect of global warming on the local field temperature and buildings

Mission improvements

Again we had to rework many aspects of the first three missions of Tuto, Joma and Lorian to improve the experience of the campaign, make it more accessible to new players and adjust them to the lately added features.

AI improvements

  • AI now uses temple powers to sabotage enemy colonies
  • AI will actively expand into territory of enemies when additional land is needed
  • AI will respect border of alliance colonies
  • AI gets a Pulse cannon in time
  • AI tries to explore cannons if necessary

UI & graphic improvements

  • Display overview of other factions in missions
  • a bar displays the goals for achieving new research, tech licenses and landing permits as such.
  • storage capacity is visualized more intuitive in the resource menu
  • New and universal desktop icon for the game and for all social media accounts
  • Increased speed of tooltips. Especially in build menu
  • Influence of temperature on productivity is now shown in the build ring as well
  • Improved drone flight
  • Cinematic landing animation for dropping asteroids, trader, vendor and the Midras drillbot
  • Visualization when using Soma item
  • Restored loading animation

Bugfixes & improvements

  • Fixed some issues of trader speakers, icons and ships that have been swapped
  • Fixed pirates event not being triggered
  • Towers only loose claim for surrounding fields when completely destroyed
  • Increased reach of ideon bombs and comparable items
  • Fixed: Speaker is sometimes interrupted by other sounds in the main menu
  • Laser attacks should no longer trigger fires
  • Selling and buying of items now also influences their pricing
  • Increase in Gaia power is no longer increased linearly with additional surrounding population (but logarithmic)
  • Fixed pollution created when destroying mountains
  • Ideon bomb no longer destroys the rare rocks that appear when a big mountain is blown up
  • Science district gives research bonus instead of improved quality of life
  • Assimilator settings decrease/increases probability of uplinks landing
  • Changed balancing of fights between assimilator drone and frontier towers
  • Assimilator drone no longer follows fleeing city capsule
  • Temples can now be destroyed